Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Mamavation TV’s Next Guest is…

(***For those of you on my email subscriber list – I apologize for the email mix-up this morning.  A post that was planned for later in the week accidentally got published this morning instead of this one…but its been taken down, so if you already clicked on it you just got a sneak preview of whats coming later on in the week 🙂 )  But here’s the intended post for today…

…ME!!!  Who would have thought?!?  A few weeks ago I was contacted by the producer of Mamavation TV, a program/webchat that airs live on Monday nights on Mingle TV (internet TV network) from 10:00-11:00 EST.  From what I can gather its sort of a talk show/webcast hybrid.  Basically the host, Leah Segedie, will discuss through various talking points with me about camping with infants, toddlers, and young children, as well as tips for moms that are inexperienced with camping and the outdoors but would like to learn more.  I was told that I will be on for about 15-20 minutes, and afterwards will be available virtually in a chatroom to answer any further viewer questions.

I had never heard of Mamavation until I was contacted, but apparently its an online entity with a fairly large following that is dedicated to supporting moms that are making comittments to healthy lifestyles.  Their website has all sorts of resources for weight loss, fitness, and healthy eating tips, as well as a host of opportunities for connecting with other like-minded individuals that want to support each other through social media outlets such as twitter and facebook.  Its a rather interesting concept actually, and it certainly seems like the folks involved have seen dramatic results on both the inside and out.


So anyway, I’m going to be on their program tonight (September 26) at 10:00 EST, so if you are curious, feel free to stop by and check it out on Mingle TV Network.  Here’s the kinda weird thing – since the whole network is powered by Stickam, a live interactive video community, anyone that wants to view the program needs to have a Stickam account in order to log in.  If you are interested, you can get your free Stickam account by clicking here, and then clicking on the word “Join” at the top right of the screen.  Once you have an account, you can LOG IN (by clicking “Login” right beside where you clicked to join), then head back over to Mingle TV Network’s Mamavation page, where the show will automatically start playing at 10:00 EST.

A lot of red tape, I know.  But if you find yourself at your computer tonight looking for something to do around 10:00, I’d love for your to stop by (or not…to be honest I’m a little nervous about it and I’m not sure knowing all my friends/family/followers are tuning in will make my nerves better or worse…)  Regardless though, I’m excited to have the opportunity and exposure, so I’m sure it will bring about positive things! Oh yeah, and if you log on be sure to say hi in the chat room after my segment is complete!  (Just no embarassing stories please… 🙂 )


7 Responses to “Mamavation TV’s Next Guest is…”

  1. Beth Lineberry

    how cool is that??!!! I know you will do fine. You are so passionate about what you do that I’m sure it will be great fun.


  2. Awesome NC is taking over the show tonight 🙂 RT @Cragmama I’m gonna be on TV tonight! Here’s the details #mamavation


  3. Congratuations! You’re building a media empire!


  4. Awesome!!! “@Cragmama: I’m gonna be on TV tonight! Here’s the details… #mamavation”


  5. Yay! Looking forward to seeing you tonight!


  6. That’s just awesome, you continue to amaze me! Congratulations! I’ll definitely tune it…


  7. Thanks so much to everyone that tuned in last night – things were going well at the sound check and we were ready to roll…then 2 minutes before we went live the connection crashed due to inclement weather at the station in TX – so the show got rescheduled to the next available slot, which unfortunately isn’t until November 14. Many apologies for the delay! The good news is that now at least I’m all prepared, which is good since the new date is the day after we get back from 5 days climbing at the Red River Gorge… 🙂


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN