Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Interviews

Crag-Daddy and the Morton’s Neuroma…

Crag-Daddy and the Morton’s Neuroma…

This title sounds like it could also double as a children’s book…but the illustrations would be disgusting and decidedly UN-kid-friendly, so I’ll keep it as a blog post only.  The idea for this blog post came to me about a month ago when my husband had what appeared to be a jalapeno pepper removed from the inside of his foot.  Yup, you heard that right.  In fact, here’s a picture of it… The “pepper” was actually a Morton’s Neuroma, and it turns out this condition is fairly common.  So I asked him to share a little bit about his experience…Read the rest of this entry →


Interview with Fellow Cragmama Melissa Love

Interview with Fellow Cragmama Melissa Love

Through this blog, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to interview a lot of really strong and inspiring mamas out there – today’s interview with fellow Trango athlete Melissa Love is no exception!  And since HER family dynamic is similar to what OUR family dynamic is going to be in just a couple of weeks, her story is especially interesting to me.  Read on to find out how cool she is… Name:  Melissa LoveCrag-kiddos:  Two sons, 4 and 1.Currently in: Boulder, COClimbing for: 20+ years Favorite Climbing Area:  Rifle Canyon, CO.  It works out great that Rifle happens to be…Read the rest of this entry →


Interview: McKenzi Taylor of Rock Climbing Women

Interview: McKenzi Taylor of Rock Climbing Women

Recently I was contacted by McKenzi Taylor of Rock Climbing Women about the possibility of advertising her new website on Cragmama.  I’m pretty selective about what/whose graphics I place up on my sidebar – nothing’s more annoying to me than having to scroll through endless ads when I’m reading a blog post.  That being said, her topic (rock climbing + women), certainly seemed to fit my niche, so I did a little more digging.  After hearing McKenzi’s story, I realized she definitely had an idea that I could get behind so…..tada!  If you look on the sidebar to the right…Read the rest of this entry →


Our Family’s 15 Minutes of (Local) Fame!

Our Family’s 15 Minutes of (Local) Fame!

 Some of you may recall a Cragmama facebook post a few weeks ago that mentioned our family being interviewed by our local NBC TV station at our climbing gym, Inner Peaks.  The producer’s idea was to create a hopefully endearing story about how climbing has been a family affair for us – first as a couple, then as a family of 3, and now as a soon-to-be family of 4.   The shoot took a little over an hour on a weekday morning, and entailed us all being interviewed individually (including a chat with C as he was tying in…Read the rest of this entry →


The Lightner Familiy: Teenage Champion, and Urban Mama Turned Mountain Mama…(Sort of…)

The Lightner Familiy:  Teenage Champion, and Urban Mama Turned Mountain Mama…(Sort of…)

I’ve interviewed a lot of climbing families over the last couple of years, and all of them have had one thing in common – the kids learned from their parents…that is, until I interviewed the Lightners.  The story of university professor Constance Lightner and her 13 year old climbing champion Kai is as different as it is inspiring.  Kai has competed for  several years in both indoor sport climbing and bouldering, with a host of 1st place finishes at a national level.  In fact, just over a week ago he was crowned National Champion yet again at the USA Sport Climbing…Read the rest of this entry →
