Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Crag-Daddy

Crag-Daddy and the Morton’s Neuroma…

Crag-Daddy and the Morton’s Neuroma…

This title sounds like it could also double as a children’s book…but the illustrations would be disgusting and decidedly UN-kid-friendly, so I’ll keep it as a blog post only.  The idea for this blog post came to me about a month ago when my husband had what appeared to be a jalapeno pepper removed from the inside of his foot.  Yup, you heard that right.  In fact, here’s a picture of it… The “pepper” was actually a Morton’s Neuroma, and it turns out this condition is fairly common.  So I asked him to share a little bit about his experience…Read the rest of this entry →


“Steady-Eddy” Ramirez and The Crowders Project

“Steady-Eddy” Ramirez and The Crowders Project

 As many of you know, my work on the Central Piedmont climbing guidebook I’ve been slaving over for the past year and a half is drawing to a close.  Almost all of the writing is in the publisher’s hands at this point, who is now working feverishly on the layout with the guy making the topo maps.  That being said, I just wrapped up the a final interview that will be featured in the Crowders section.  It’s an interview with a local climber who is wrapping up an inspiring endeavor, and since it had been a while since I’d posted an interview…Read the rest of this entry →


Just Like Daddy!

Just Like Daddy!

“Just like Daddy, Mommy,” says Cragbaby with a beaming smile, as he carefully pre-loads his plastic power drill with a toy screw and prepares to drill into the wall.  My heart melts, as I glance up from my gardening to see my two favorite boys hard at work on the side of the house, one the spitting image of the other.  With every passing day, it becomes more and more apparent that C watches our every move, absorbing each word, action, and deed like a sponge.  On the one hand, it’s charming and sweet.  On the other hand, there’s a…Read the rest of this entry →


A Weekend of Projects – Part 2 (Pilot Mountain)

A Weekend of Projects – Part 2 (Pilot Mountain)

I mentioned in my last post that I’d be separating the weekend out into two posts, since each day was so different from the other.  I thought it would be fun to change things up a bit, so rather than the typical play-by-play trip report, I thought I’d focus on “projects.”  For those non-climbers out there, the term “projecting” is used to describe the process that one goes through to successfully redpoint a route near or at their limit.  A route is considered “sent” (aka redpointed) when the climber is able to lead the route from bottom to top (bringing the rope up with them…Read the rest of this entry →


Misty Mountain Guy: I Love it When You Call Me “Crag-Poppa”

Misty Mountain Guy: I Love it When You Call Me “Crag-Poppa”

Some of you might recall my Misty Mountain harness review from last week.  I actually received a lot of feedback on the post via comments, emails, facebook, and twitter.  A few had more specific questions about the harness, several took the time to say how much they loved their own Misty gear, and still others remarked that they were appreciative of the introduction since they’d never heard of Misty Mountain before.  Now, for those of you reading in the Southeast, I realize that sounds absolutely ridiculous, almost sacrilegious even – how could any climber worth their chalk not have heard…Read the rest of this entry →
