Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Sport Climbing

2023 Recap and Looking Forward to 2024…

2023 Recap and Looking Forward to 2024…

Well it’s that time of year again where our family likes to get super nerdy with stats and graphs! From a family adventure perspective, we had an AMAZING year. We spent 44 days climbing outside, and our climbing area breakdown looked like this: NEW RIVER GORGE (and surrounding areas) – 12 daysRED RIVER GORGE – 11 days BREAKS INTERSTATE PARK – 8 daysHIDDEN VALLEY – 4 daysHAWKSBILL MOUNTAIN – 4 daysSTONY MT BOULDERS – 3 days CROWDERS MOUNTAIN – 2 days From a climbing performance perspective, our biggest challenge as a family was the logistics of balancing 3 different climber…Read the rest of this entry →


Rocktober at Breaks Interstate Park + Red River Gorge

It’s been quite a long time, but welcome back to this little corner of the interwebs! For quite a while now I’ve been wanting to get back into blogging on the regular again, and a trip report about our most recent family adventure seemed like a perfect place to dive in! When I polled some of you on Instagram about specific topics you were most interested in reading about, an overwhelming majority of you all voted for “a little bit of everything!” So I’ll try my best to hit all the highlights from our trip without going down any epic…Read the rest of this entry →


Spring 2021: The Season of Redemption!

Spring 2021: The Season of Redemption!

With temps creeping up into the 90s on a regular basis down here in the Southeast, I think it’s safe to say that Spring is officially “sprung and done.” And with the first half of the year behind us, it’s a good time to look back and reflect on how the yearly goals are coming! I started this year with 2 very specific goals, but as the months went by, my spring climbing season quickly turned into a season of redemption on past projects! After coming up short on both of my season long projects last fall (Logotherapy 13a and…Read the rest of this entry →


CragKid on the Sharp End!!!

CragKid on the Sharp End!!!

Despite the rocky start to our climbing year, our family has been trying hard to make up for lost time the past few weekends, and it’s been refreshingly awesome. Typically by this point of the year we are tired of melting off the rock and ready to exchange our climbing gear for paddleboards and kayaks. But after all the spring clovid closures, we have been far less picky with conditions than we usually are by mid-June! Not to mention, the weather has been seasonably tolerable, especially up at Hidden Valley, which is where we’ve spent the past couple of weekends.…Read the rest of this entry →


Melrose Mountain Climbing

Melrose Mountain Climbing

One of our family’s first forays into post-quarantine climbing was Melrose Mountain, a small cliffline just outside of Tryon, NC. If you’ve never heard of this area, it’s probably because public access was just negotiated with the town of Tryon in 2019, courtehsy of the Carolina Climber’s Coalition and Blue Ridge Mountain Guides. Coming straight out of all the closures and having not climbed outside in months, a grade range of mostly 5.10 and under seemed like a good fit. And as a relatively unknown climbing spot, we felt pretty good about avoiding crowds. The weekend we went was hot.…Read the rest of this entry →
