Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Travel

Rocktober at Breaks Interstate Park + Red River Gorge

It’s been quite a long time, but welcome back to this little corner of the interwebs! For quite a while now I’ve been wanting to get back into blogging on the regular again, and a trip report about our most recent family adventure seemed like a perfect place to dive in! When I polled some of you on Instagram about specific topics you were most interested in reading about, an overwhelming majority of you all voted for “a little bit of everything!” So I’ll try my best to hit all the highlights from our trip without going down any epic…Read the rest of this entry →


Gear Review: The “mifold” Grab and Go Booster Seat

Gear Review: The “mifold” Grab and Go Booster Seat

A while back I was contacted by mifold, a company whose sole product is a booster seat that is…wait for it…smaller than a Bible!!! I’ll be honest, at first I was skeptical.  But after watching the videos on how it works, I agreed to give it a try. The idea behind it is simple, and more than a little bit genius – regular booster seats are designed to lift the child up, putting them in the same position that an adult would be.  The mifold does the opposite – the child stays where they are, but the seatbelt itself is…Read the rest of this entry →


New Book Series for Outdoor Kiddos from Grow Exploring!

New Book Series for Outdoor Kiddos from Grow Exploring!

Recently our family was asked if we’d review a new series of books aimed at teaching young kiddos about outdoor recreational equipment.  Considering that our outdoor gear junkie family is always on the lookout for unique reading material relevant to our lifestyle, this book series seemed right up our alley! We received four books – Let’s Go Climbing, Let’s Go Rafting, Let’s Go Skiing, and C is for Camping.  The first three all have the same format – counting different commonly used items in that particular sport, starting with 1 on the first page, and ending with 10 on the…Read the rest of this entry →


Surviving a Toddler’s First Overnighter

Surviving a Toddler’s First Overnighter

This post could just have easily been titled “Surviving a MOMMY’s First Overnighter,” because I feel like this milestone was just as hard for me, if not more so!  As many of you know, my husband and I just recently took our very first trip away from Cragbaby last week…and since our family never does anything halfway, we decided to spend it enjoying the sandstone of Red Rock Canyon, just 30 miles outside of Las Vegas!  (Stay tuned for the trip recap in a couple of days…) We did a lot of different things to prepare C for our time…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: Walk Like a Camel

Sentimental Snapshots: Walk Like a Camel

Today’s Sentimental Snapshot is brought to you from the archives of summer 2005, when Steve and I took a trip to Morocco.  We were blessed with the opportunity to hand-deliver care packages to several American families serving as volunteers all over the country – and of course we couldn’t help but find a little adventure along the way!  We ferried our way from Spain into the port-city of Tangier (breaking every guidebook’s rule about not arriving after dark…), and wandered around the funky cold medinas of Fez and Meknes before working our way south through Ifran to Merzouga, a gateway town to the Sahara Desert. …Read the rest of this entry →
