Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Charlotte

Our Family’s 15 Minutes of (Local) Fame!

Our Family’s 15 Minutes of (Local) Fame!

 Some of you may recall a Cragmama facebook post a few weeks ago that mentioned our family being interviewed by our local NBC TV station at our climbing gym, Inner Peaks.  The producer’s idea was to create a hopefully endearing story about how climbing has been a family affair for us – first as a couple, then as a family of 3, and now as a soon-to-be family of 4.   The shoot took a little over an hour on a weekday morning, and entailed us all being interviewed individually (including a chat with C as he was tying in…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: A Rainbow of Obstacles (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif)

Sentimental Snapshots:  A Rainbow of Obstacles (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif)

The other day Cragbaby and I enjoyed a beautiful, sunny morning at Belle Johnston Park.  Though technically in Pineville, not Charlotte, it’s only 15 minutes or so from our house, and is well worth the drive for a morning’s worth of playground fun.  What I like about this park is that it seems to have been designed for multi-generational enjoyment, not just the wee folk.  In addition to the many playgrounds, giant sand pit, swing sets, and riding toys situated within the acreage of open green space, there are porch swings and benches scattered about, perfect for outdoor lovers of…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragbaby the Dirty Hippie

Cragbaby the Dirty Hippie

It started out innocent enough – just Cragbaby and the Mommy at Matthews-Sardis Park (which has been a long time family favorite – more on this park here).  It was a beautiful spring morning, and for the first 30 minutes we had the swings, slides, and tunnels all to ourselves as we listened to a chorus of songbirds equally as excited about the fresh air.  After a while though C’s fascination turned from the playground equipment to the tiny sliver of a creek separating the playground from the surrounding woods.    Like most toddlers, C is enamored by water.  Favorite wet and…Read the rest of this entry →


A Day at Dixon

A Day at Dixon

We had a few things to get done this weekend (not the least of which involved taking Cragbaby to a pumpkin patch), but the weather was too good to pass up – so we ended up spending Saturday at our local bouldering area – Dixon School Road Boulders.  We actually had spent a quick evening session there once back in the summer of 2009 – Steve was in Charlotte on business, and since I was teaching at the time and out of school for the summer, I’d gone with him.  (It turns out I was also pregnant with C at…Read the rest of this entry →


Green Hour Connection: Studies in Entomology

Green Hour Connection: Studies in Entomology

Last week Cragbaby wanted to be a pilot.  This week he’s a bug man – and not the exterminator type!  While C has always seemed to have an affinity for creepy-crawlies – ladybugs, carpenter ants, daddy long legs, caterpillars, etc, this week he has become fascinated with cicadas.  Actually it would be most accurate to say he has become fascinated with cicade SHELLS.  For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, more information can be found here.   Basically cicadas are very loud, very scary looking, giant bugs that spend the majority of their life cycle buried in the ground,…Read the rest of this entry →
