Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Sentimental Snapshots: A Rainbow of Obstacles (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif)

The other day Cragbaby and I enjoyed a beautiful, sunny morning at Belle Johnston Park.  Though technically in Pineville, not Charlotte, it’s only 15 minutes or so from our house, and is well worth the drive for a morning’s worth of playground fun.  What I like about this park is that it seems to have been designed for multi-generational enjoyment, not just the wee folk.  In addition to the many playgrounds, giant sand pit, swing sets, and riding toys situated within the acreage of open green space, there are porch swings and benches scattered about, perfect for outdoor lovers of all ages to relax and take in all the surrounding fun, all against a backdrop of a beautiful duck pond complete with a walking path around it.  

Cragbaby’s favorite part of the park of late is the “rainbow tires.” It’s almost a bit odd, and I often wonder what gave the playground architects the idea to place some giant metal tire halves buried in the sand, but C loves it. It’s a good kinesthetic lesson in prepositions, actually. Some days we go under (well, we meaning C, I don’t fit too well…don’t ask me how I know). We also go around, through, across, and on, but C seems to have the most fun when he gets to go over (and all the climbers nodded their heads in agreement.).

 I chose this picture for today for two reasons.  First off, it shows C’s stellar climbing technique – if only somebody had taught me to watch my footwork so carefully at that age!  But secondly, I feel like this picture is kind of a metaphor for life.  It’s full of ups and downs.   As soon as C gets to the top of one obstacle, he’s going to be faced with another – and another, and another.  But thankfully he seems to be enjoying the process – and I’m not sure about you, but that’s a concept that I often forget!  What ordinary happenings have you learned  an extraordinary lesson from recently?  Leave a comment, and you’ll be entered to win yet another great giveaway from my friends at Clif bar – this time a brand new flavor of crispy Z-bar – cookies and cream!  (I must say this is my new hands down favorite of all the Clif Kids flavors…)  The giveaway will run until Saturday night, when one lucky winner will be chosen randomly to win an entire case of crispy Z-bar goodness!  Best of luck!


7 Responses to “Sentimental Snapshots: A Rainbow of Obstacles (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif)”

  1. I don’t know, but it sure seems like “Watch your step” was a phrase I said at least once per hour! (heh heh heh)
    Great post, as usual!


  2. We recently took a little morning trip to the beach, and I should probably be embarrassed to say that I learned we didn’t have to overplan for such a day. As soon as our nearly-two-year old got off our bicyle, he was in heaven, having all kinds of fun in the sand, and later surf. Barely a swimsuit (and sunscreen!) was all we needed, and he took care of the rest!


  3. Liz

    This reminds me of something a mama friend posted this to her fb page recently: “This summer I am living by these words, ”Enjoy the little things in life. For one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.””
    Especially true about having kids! Savoring the process and the little moments. Like cragbaby climbing on monster truck tires. 🙂


  4. I don’t know, around Colorado it feels like every day an extraordinary happening is teaching us extraordinary lessons. There’s terror and horror and heartbreak everywhere as people loose their homes and our beautiful forests. But, at the same time, there’s compassion, gratitude and amazing dedication that really shows what people are capable of doing when faced with the hardest lessons in life. Life is absolutely full of ups and downs and sometimes God gives you a real punch in the stomach to help you learn to be grateful for what you have, and be strong enough to fight on.


    • Great stories everyone! Keep ’em coming!

      Kate – Love the last line of what you said, and I’ve definitely found it to be true as well. Prayers for your family and those around you that may be in need!

  5. Hmmm….good question. Trying to slow down and just enjoy summer and the things my kids say (because I am constantly blown away by their wisdom, questioning and viewpoint on life!)


  6. Skyler

    In our busy lives it’s easy to be distracted and forget the simple things in life. My two year old helps remind me of what I so often overlook. Recently he was outside playing and both of us just laid down on the grass and looked up. We just stayed there for 30 minutes, and it was a nice reminder to take things slowly and appreciate the small, simple things.


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN