Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Clif bar

8 Tips for a Happy AND Healthy Halloween (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!)

8 Tips for a Happy AND Healthy Halloween (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!)

Halloween is certainly a unique time of year.  When else can you get away with burying a plastic spider in the doughnut box at work, or walk around the neighborhood dressed like your Freudian fantasy of choice?  For many, Halloween represents a time of carefree fun and indulgence…but if you’re not careful, all those treats can add up to a few nasty tricks.  In the short-term, these tricks can manifest themselves on the scale or at the Dr-Averbuch dentist, which may or may not be that detrimental, depending on the person.  However, in the long-term, how your family handles Halloween…Read the rest of this entry →


Meet Your Moment…a Giveaway from CLIF!

Meet Your Moment…a Giveaway from CLIF!

We’ve all had “moments.”  Experiences where time stands still, the rest of the world stops, and everything else fades into the background as that one moment comes vividly into focus.  It could be something epic that you share with hundreds of people, or it could be something personal that’s just between you and your Maker.  It could be a tender family moment, or a loud, joyous occasion.  Some moments define who we are as a person, while others are just a nice reminder of why it’s good to be alive.  I have “moments” all the time when I’m climbing –…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: A Rainbow of Obstacles (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif)

Sentimental Snapshots:  A Rainbow of Obstacles (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif)

The other day Cragbaby and I enjoyed a beautiful, sunny morning at Belle Johnston Park.  Though technically in Pineville, not Charlotte, it’s only 15 minutes or so from our house, and is well worth the drive for a morning’s worth of playground fun.  What I like about this park is that it seems to have been designed for multi-generational enjoyment, not just the wee folk.  In addition to the many playgrounds, giant sand pit, swing sets, and riding toys situated within the acreage of open green space, there are porch swings and benches scattered about, perfect for outdoor lovers of…Read the rest of this entry →


Moms: Endurance Athletes, Superheroes, and More (plus a GIVEAWAY from CLIF!)

Moms:  Endurance Athletes, Superheroes, and More (plus a GIVEAWAY from CLIF!)

What does it mean to be a mom?  Obviously that’s a question that runs deeper that one little blog entry.  But considering that this coming weekend is Mother’s Day, I thought it would be fun to post up a few light-hearted job titles acquired by moms everywhere.  (Let this also serve as a reminder for the forgetful folks out there to make “Call your Mommy” number 1 on your to do list for Sunday…)  As you read, be thinking of something to add to the list for a chance to win a chocolate-themed prize pack from my good friends at CLIF!  SUPERHERO…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragbaby Turns 2!!! (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!!!)

Cragbaby Turns 2!!! (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!!!)

I know it probably sounds cliche, but I also know that every parent knows exactly what I’m talking about – it’s so hard to believe he’s already 2!  Where did the time go?  All those days functioning on 2 hours of sleep, the all-night nursing buffets, hours of daily chores performed wearing a snuggly baby wrapped up close to my heart – some of those days seemed to literally crawl by, yet here we are, celebrating C’s 2 year birthday…So many memories, so many firsts (and lasts), it would be easy to get kinda down about my baby growing up, except that…Read the rest of this entry →
