Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: birthdays

Why Today is TWICE as Special…

Why Today is TWICE as Special…

March 2 has been a special day in our family for the past 13 years – it’s the day the Crag-Daddy and I said “I Do!”  But in 2014 our beautiful little girl gave us yet another reason to celebrate this day.  Needless to say, last year’s anniversary was a rather unconventional one.  We weren’t exactly expecting to spend the day at the hospital, but it was certainly worth it!   So today on this day, hubby and I celebrate not only our love for each other, but also the love we have for our sweet baby girl.  I found…Read the rest of this entry →


4 Years and 1 Proud Mama

4 Years and 1 Proud Mama

The other day I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, and as usual, there was a children’s folk song station playing on Pandora in the background.  C had been painting at his art table, and had just left the room to go get some more paper, and a song came on that I’d never heard before that stopped me in my tracks.  I felt a wave of emotion come over me as I listened to the words that described EXACTLY what I felt about my little guy.  Then right on cue my sweet little boy came bounding around the…Read the rest of this entry →


My Little Man is THREE!!!!!

My Little Man is THREE!!!!!

How in the world did this happen?  One day I’m staying up all night with marathon nursing sessions.  Then when I finally go to sleep I wake up and he’s running into his classroom without so much as an afterthought glance in my direction!  Ok ok maybe it didn’t happen EXACTLY like that, but some days it seems like it!  Fortunately for us, we’ve been blessed to have shared hundreds upon thousands of wonderful memories with our little Cragbaby these past three years, who most CERTAINLY has graduated to Crag-Kiddo status at this point!  I’ve been doing a lot of reflection recently…Read the rest of this entry →


An Equal Opportunity Climbing Weekend

An Equal Opportunity Climbing Weekend

“I have a dream that one day bolt-clippers, boulderers, and tradsters will come together on my birthday and climb and eat pizza,” – The Crag Daddoo Well, maybe those weren’t his EXACT words, but in the spirit of the MLK holiday weekend, it was a reasonable paraphrase…and with that in mind we invited our friends from far and wide to celebrate Steve’s birthday this past weekend.  And we couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather – highs in the 50’s without a cloud in the sky!  DIXON:  We kicked the 3 day weekend off on Saturday by converging at the Dixon School…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragbaby Turns 2!!! (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!!!)

Cragbaby Turns 2!!! (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!!!)

I know it probably sounds cliche, but I also know that every parent knows exactly what I’m talking about – it’s so hard to believe he’s already 2!  Where did the time go?  All those days functioning on 2 hours of sleep, the all-night nursing buffets, hours of daily chores performed wearing a snuggly baby wrapped up close to my heart – some of those days seemed to literally crawl by, yet here we are, celebrating C’s 2 year birthday…So many memories, so many firsts (and lasts), it would be easy to get kinda down about my baby growing up, except that…Read the rest of this entry →
