Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: growing up

The Perfect Hand-Me-Down: 3 Kids and 1 Down Suit

The Perfect Hand-Me-Down: 3 Kids and 1 Down Suit

Before I became pregnant with my first child, I was blessed to have some like-minded friends who were just phasing out of the life stage we were just getting ourselves into.  Their then-toddler would be their last child, and they were actually preparing to move to Germany…which meant our family was one of the many to benefit from their infant outdoor gear archives! We scored bigtime in the clothing and shoe department, most of which at this point has either been worn into the ground or given to other families of outdoorsy little boys who like to play in the mud.  However,…Read the rest of this entry →


4 Years and 1 Proud Mama

4 Years and 1 Proud Mama

The other day I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, and as usual, there was a children’s folk song station playing on Pandora in the background.  C had been painting at his art table, and had just left the room to go get some more paper, and a song came on that I’d never heard before that stopped me in my tracks.  I felt a wave of emotion come over me as I listened to the words that described EXACTLY what I felt about my little guy.  Then right on cue my sweet little boy came bounding around the…Read the rest of this entry →


On Change…and How Love Multiplies

On Change…and How Love Multiplies

 As I sit here and type this with my little girl snuggled up against my chest in our Boba 4G carrier (review coming soon!), it’s getting harder and harder to remember what life without Baby Z was like.  I remember that strange phenomenon happening with C, but for some reason it still took me by surprise this time around.   I guess that’s because families aren’t  designed to stay the same.  Even if your family is finished adding members, everyone is getting older with each passing year (and each passing minute for the youngest ones!)  That means the family dynamic…Read the rest of this entry →


“Just Like You, Mommy!” aka The Story of the Striped Pants

“Just Like You, Mommy!” aka The Story of the Striped Pants

“NO I DON’T LIKE THE PANTS WITH STRIPES ON THEM!”  C was shouting with the melodrama that can only come from being 3 years old.  I sighed.  As a mother to a strong-willed and highly opinionated little boy, I’ve realized that I need to pick and choose my battles wisely.  Last month, we had to visit our dentist at Delaney Park Dental, and because I could not give him the freedom I would’ve liked to in the office, he was very loud and obnoxious during the appointment, creating a really embarassing situation there. C responds best to freedom within parameters,…Read the rest of this entry →


My Little Man is THREE!!!!!

My Little Man is THREE!!!!!

How in the world did this happen?  One day I’m staying up all night with marathon nursing sessions.  Then when I finally go to sleep I wake up and he’s running into his classroom without so much as an afterthought glance in my direction!  Ok ok maybe it didn’t happen EXACTLY like that, but some days it seems like it!  Fortunately for us, we’ve been blessed to have shared hundreds upon thousands of wonderful memories with our little Cragbaby these past three years, who most CERTAINLY has graduated to Crag-Kiddo status at this point!  I’ve been doing a lot of reflection recently…Read the rest of this entry →
