Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: memory lane

Why Today is TWICE as Special…

Why Today is TWICE as Special…

March 2 has been a special day in our family for the past 13 years – it’s the day the Crag-Daddy and I said “I Do!”  But in 2014 our beautiful little girl gave us yet another reason to celebrate this day.  Needless to say, last year’s anniversary was a rather unconventional one.  We weren’t exactly expecting to spend the day at the hospital, but it was certainly worth it!   So today on this day, hubby and I celebrate not only our love for each other, but also the love we have for our sweet baby girl.  I found…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragbaby’s First Field Guide

Cragbaby’s First Field Guide

When most people think of favorite childhood books, usually classic stories like “A Cricket in Times Square,” “Stuart Little”, and “Charlotte’s Web” come to mind.  Although I of course have fond memories of those books as well, oddly enough the most tattered books in my collection were a little more technical in nature.  As long as I can remember, I have always been a nut about field guides.  Mammals, Birds, Plants and Flowers, Rocks and Minerals, Spiders and Insects – I had a field guide for anything you could imagine almost.  But above all my very favorite one was a little purple pocket guide…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: The Stink Face

Sentimental Snapshots:  The Stink Face

Sometime in early December my little stand-up comic realized that he could get quite the reaction by furrowing his eyebrows and glaring in a rather “Omen-like” sort of way…Although he doesn’t do it as much anymore (funny how baby trends go in and out of style faster than what’s on the red carpet), C’s “stink-face”, as we christened it, was the source of quite a few dinnertime guffaws. Upon seeing the stink-face out of context, you might mistakenly assume that C is angry, frustrated, mad, or some combination of the three.  But the funny thing is that C only chooses…Read the rest of this entry →


Green Hour Connection: Not Just Your Garden Variety Spider

Green Hour Connection:  Not Just Your Garden Variety Spider

I’ve always been fascinated by spiders.  Not that I want them in my house or anything, although for a while I did entertain the thought of a pet tarantula in college until the roommate nixed the idea.  I’ve just always thought they were kinda cool, and misunderstood by a large portion of our society.  They keep our gardens free of pests, their silk is ounce for ounce stronger than steel, and scientists are researching the properties of their venom for use in green insecticides.  Not to mention that they are among the best climbers on the planet!  So you can…Read the rest of this entry →


In Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week

In Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week

In case you weren’t aware, this week is World Breastfeeding Week, which is meaningful for our family since Cragbaby is 16 months old and still nursing away with no signs of stopping.  So to celebrate, I wanted to do a post about breastfeeding – but not about the benefits of toddler breastfeeding, or how to find support in your area (you can find a lot of that information here, however).  My intent is not to judge those that formula feed, nor is it to  sound preachy towards folks that breastfeed for longer or shorter time than we have.  Everyone is free to make their own decisions about what is best…Read the rest of this entry →
