Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: breastfeeding

Tips for Breastfeeding on Outdoor Adventures

Tips for Breastfeeding on Outdoor Adventures

Anyone who has done it for any length of time knows that breastfeeding is NOT always the comfortable, natural, and peaceful activity that parenting magazines make it out to be.  It can be awkward, exhausting, uncomfortable, even downright painful at times…and this is especially true when a nursing pair takes to the Great Outdoors!  With my first son, figuring out the logistics for nursing on days where I camped/climbed/hiked/swam/etc was pretty tricky.  There was definitely a learning curve.  Thankfully I’ve been able to glean from those prior experiences these past 5 months with my daughter (and trust me, the second…Read the rest of this entry →


Lactation Cookies – Got Milk?

Lactation Cookies – Got Milk?

I know this might not apply to a lot of my readers, but I’ve had enough good feedback and requests for this lactation cookie recipe that it seemed worth sharing on here.  What, pray tell, IS a lactation cookie, you might ask?  It’s nothing more than a cookie filled with various “galactagogues” (substances known to promote healthy breastfeeding.)  But don’t worry guys, you can feel free to indulge also – I promise you won’t spontaneously start lactating, and you’ll probably think they’re yummy 😉 They are EASY to make!  There’s about a million variations of this recipe floating around the…Read the rest of this entry →


The Newborn Days w/Baby #2 – Keeping Your Sanity the 1st Month

The Newborn Days w/Baby #2 – Keeping Your Sanity the 1st Month

Wow, just 6 short weeks ago I shared my last preggo update…10 days later I gave birth to a magical little girl, and today she is celebrating one month of life!  The past 4 weeks have been a whirlwind of eating, sleeping, and not sleeping…and showering every now and then.  Slowly but surely we’ve started to get into a groove with life as a family of four.  There have been a few key strategies and pieces of gear that have helped us find our stride, so I thought I’d share them… 1.  OLDER SIBLING ONE ON ONE TIME –  The…Read the rest of this entry →


In Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week

In Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week

In case you weren’t aware, this week is World Breastfeeding Week, which is meaningful for our family since Cragbaby is 16 months old and still nursing away with no signs of stopping.  So to celebrate, I wanted to do a post about breastfeeding – but not about the benefits of toddler breastfeeding, or how to find support in your area (you can find a lot of that information here, however).  My intent is not to judge those that formula feed, nor is it to  sound preachy towards folks that breastfeed for longer or shorter time than we have.  Everyone is free to make their own decisions about what is best…Read the rest of this entry →


Lights, Camera…FRICTION!!!

Lights, Camera…FRICTION!!!

  My writing focus these days has been mostly on the Creating a Cragbaby series, so I’ve been a little slack on the trip reports…but a couple of  weekends ago we enjoyed yet another wonderful weather weekend bouldering (and I’m glad we were able to squeeze that in before all the cold and rain set in…)  It was the usual suspects – me, Steve, Canaan, Christie…but this time there was a twist.  Enter Jan Balster, a professional photographer / cinematographer.  We’d worked with Jan before a few years ago as guinea pigs for a promo-shoot at Pilot Mountain.  Well, about a month ago he contacted me…Read the rest of this entry →
