Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: breastfeeding

Creating a Cragbaby: Weather or Not?

Creating a Cragbaby: Weather or Not?

Just picture it – You’ve been climbing hard all morning, and are one run away from sending your summer project.  You’ve got the crux dialed, the draws are already hung, and you’re totally psyched – all you need now is to refuel, hydrate, and depump for a little bit before tackling your redpoint burn.  But just as you sit down with your trail mix and nalgene, the heavens open up.  What?!?  There was only a 10% chance of rain today!  Or picture this – you’ve got Monday off so you made plans to head to the Obed River for a…Read the rest of this entry →


Creating a Cragbaby – Sleepytime Solutions

Creating a Cragbaby – Sleepytime Solutions

Taking your baby to the crag for any length of time means that there will be naps involved – for your baby most definitely, and for you…quite possibly after a long day of climbing and hanging out with your little one!  Everyone knows how cranky an overtired baby can be (and how annoying that can be to everyone within earshot…) so before you go off gallavanting around in the mountains, make sure you have a strategy for helping your baby to catch some Zzzz’s.  We found through trial (and error…) several tips for making on-the-go naps in strange places easier…Read the rest of this entry →


Creating a Cragbaby – Rules for the Ropes!

Creating a Cragbaby – Rules for the Ropes!

So you’ve taken your family on some local mini-adventures, you’ve got all the right gear, and you’ve got the right perspective – you’re ready to hit the crag for real!  You’ve got a few different options – you could clip some bolts, plug some gear,or break out the crash pad.  And although a lot of the logistics are the same, we have discovered that within different types of climbing there are a few distinct differences with how a baby best fits into the picture.  In order to keep this post fairly concise, I’ve decided to split this section into two posts – this one…Read the rest of this entry →
