Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: sleep

Crag Naps 101: Sleeping Tips for Outdoor Climbing Adventures

Crag Naps 101:  Sleeping Tips for Outdoor Climbing Adventures

During those early months, a baby can only be awake for so long before turning into a cranky pumpkin.  That’s why it’s no wonder that the number one way to ensure more outdoor climbing time is to figure out how to get your tiny bundle of joy to crag-nap effectively.  But that, of course, is easier said than done!  So for those of you who want to spend a family day at the crag but are intimidated by all of the sleeping logistics, read on… Some parts of a climbing day lend themselves to napping better than others, so use…Read the rest of this entry →


A Good Reminder from a Toddler…

A Good Reminder from a Toddler…

  “Hey Mommy, I love you,” says a little voice coming from beside my bed.  I smile and say it back, fumbling in the early morning light as I lean over to help my struggling toddler climb into bed with me without whacking me on the head with the armload of books he’s toting.  He cozies up into the nook of my shoulder, all the while pronouncing his love for “sweet, snuggly Mommy.”  Somedays we’ll snuggle in silence for almost an hour (especially if we fall back asleep!), and other times it’s only for 15 minutes.  Sometimes he’ll get bored with me and roll…Read the rest of this entry →


Toddler Sleep at the Crag: Play Hard, Sleep Hard.

Toddler Sleep at the Crag:  Play Hard, Sleep Hard.

When it comes to the topic of naptimes and 2 year olds, this can either be a period filled with blissful midday breaks, or frustrating afternoon battles (or sometimes a combination of the two…), depending on your child’s personality and sleep needs.  I’ve gotten a lot of questions recently regarding how we handle naps at the crag now that C is a big boy, so I figured this topic would be a good way to kick off my new blog series – Toddlers at the Crag.  This is a twist on my original post entitled “Sleepytime Solutions,” written back when…Read the rest of this entry →


Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

This is not the first time I’ve posted a picture of Cragbaby sleeping, and it probably won’t be the last.  He’s just so darn cute when he’s sleeping!  I love the irony of an energetic toddler that’s been going 100 miles per hour all morning shift directly into sweet post-lunch snuggle session as he drifts off to dreamland.    Go, Run, Explore, Laugh, Love, Live…then, almost without warning – Stop, Relax, Breathe, Rest, Restore, Refresh. This picture was taken just a few days ago when I went in to C’s room to wake him up.  Some might accuse me of…Read the rest of this entry →


Name that Caption: Dirty Bit

Name that Caption: Dirty Bit

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Name that Caption post.  And, if you’re interested, April M. was the winner of the last one: “A Slightly Awkward Picture with a Pumpkin.”  (April, contact me and I’ll hook you up with a Cragmama sticker if you’d like!)  Anyway, today’s photo was actually taken this past May, while Cragbaby was snoozing at the  crag during the New River Rendezvous. I like this picture because I feel like it captures my little guy’s free spirit.  Play hard, sleep hard – you could call it his motto even.  He’s never been one to pay…Read the rest of this entry →
