Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: name that caption

Name that Caption: Dirty Bit

Name that Caption: Dirty Bit

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Name that Caption post.  And, if you’re interested, April M. was the winner of the last one: “A Slightly Awkward Picture with a Pumpkin.”  (April, contact me and I’ll hook you up with a Cragmama sticker if you’d like!)  Anyway, today’s photo was actually taken this past May, while Cragbaby was snoozing at the  crag during the New River Rendezvous. I like this picture because I feel like it captures my little guy’s free spirit.  Play hard, sleep hard – you could call it his motto even.  He’s never been one to pay…Read the rest of this entry →


Name that Caption: A Slightly Awkward Picture with a Pumpkin…

Name that Caption: A Slightly Awkward Picture with a Pumpkin…

***A few of you got a sneak peek at this post earlier in the week, when it accidentally went out to my email subscriber list on Monday.  For those of you that read it before I got a chance to “unpublish” it, you’ve had time to think up a great caption all week, so I’m expecting great things! Many thanks to all who participated in the last “Name that Caption.”  Grace Chu was the popular winner, although in my opinion Nicole H was a close second…  So today’s pic has an interesting back story that technically began long before we…Read the rest of this entry →


Name that Caption: The Helmet Head Photoshoot

Name that Caption:  The Helmet Head Photoshoot

It’s been a while since I’ve had a Name That Caption post, but although I’m admittedly biased, I do think today’s is pretty darn cute.  This was taken a couple of months ago on a climbing trip to the New River Gorge in West Virginia.  The ever observant Cragbaby has taken an interest in head pieces – climbing helmets, bicycle helmets, sun hats, and of course tupperware containers.  His usual M.O. is to put it over his face first, give a long, echoing shout (a little reminiscent of a dinosaur roar, actually), and then put it on his head, usually…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: Hoop Dreams

Sentimental Snapshots: Hoop Dreams

Its “Name that Caption” time again everyone!  First things first – the award for last week’s best caption goes to Nina Arnold, a fellow Firefly Sportess athlete.   Once again I don’t have anything to give as a prize, although I will say that I’m looking into having “Cragmama” logo stickers made…but back to today’s photograph.  This one is a super cute shot of a little guy that I’m especially fond of. This was taken last weekend at C’s grandparent’s house.  A bunch of family had flown in for a wedding shower (congrats to C’s Uncle Dave and Aunt Allyssa!)…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: Raising the Roof?

Sentimental Snapshots: Raising the Roof?

Ok friends, its time for another rousing game of “Name that Caption.” Oh and by the way, thanks to all who commented on the last Sentimental Snapshot – but I think the gold medal must go to Kevin Jordan from Take a Hike GPS for absolutely nailing it with his roadrunner/coyote comment!  Maybe I should start a giveaway for the best caption…but for now, I guess all I can do is give him a website plug!  So here’s today’s caption challenge… Name that caption… The background is spectacular, right? This shot was taken at the Mass Production Wall along the…Read the rest of this entry →
