Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: basketball

Sentimental Snapshots: Hoop Dreams

Sentimental Snapshots: Hoop Dreams

Its “Name that Caption” time again everyone!  First things first – the award for last week’s best caption goes to Nina Arnold, a fellow Firefly Sportess athlete.   Once again I don’t have anything to give as a prize, although I will say that I’m looking into having “Cragmama” logo stickers made…but back to today’s photograph.  This one is a super cute shot of a little guy that I’m especially fond of. This was taken last weekend at C’s grandparent’s house.  A bunch of family had flown in for a wedding shower (congrats to C’s Uncle Dave and Aunt Allyssa!)…Read the rest of this entry →
