Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: nevada

A Rendezvous in Red Rock Canyon Sans Toddler

A Rendezvous in Red Rock Canyon Sans Toddler

What do you get when you combine the lights of Vegas with the sandstone of Red Rocks?  A perfect weekend with just me and my hubby!  I flew in to meet Steve late Thursday night (he’d been at a conference all week for work…so he says anyway 😉 ).  One of our main objectives for this trip was to take advantage of being sans toddler and do some multi-pitch trad routes.  (Non-climber note: Routes that are longer than one rope length are divided into smaller chunks, usually around 100-150 feet apart, called pitches.  Sometimes each pitch will vary in difficulty,…Read the rest of this entry →


Hey Baby Let’s Go To Vegas…Without the Baby!!!

Hey Baby Let’s Go To Vegas…Without the Baby!!!

We’ve got a big milestone coming up in our household.  Any guesses?  Nope…not potty training (unfortunately).  You probably won’t guess, so I’ll just tell you – my first overnighter away from Cragbaby!  For the past 2 years and almost 8 months I’ve woken up every morning in the same house as C (and for a good bit of that time, in the same bed!)  And except for the occasional date night for New Year’s Eve and extended family vacations where C’s grandparents give us a night off from the bedtime routine, I’ve been there to give a good night kiss…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: Raising the Roof?

Sentimental Snapshots: Raising the Roof?

Ok friends, its time for another rousing game of “Name that Caption.” Oh and by the way, thanks to all who commented on the last Sentimental Snapshot – but I think the gold medal must go to Kevin Jordan from Take a Hike GPS for absolutely nailing it with his roadrunner/coyote comment!  Maybe I should start a giveaway for the best caption…but for now, I guess all I can do is give him a website plug!  So here’s today’s caption challenge… Name that caption… The background is spectacular, right? This shot was taken at the Mass Production Wall along the…Read the rest of this entry →


What happens in Vegas…shows up on Facebook.

What happens in Vegas…shows up on Facebook.

I’m now in what most consider the “feel good” stage of my pregnancy. At almost 18 weeks, I am no longer exhausted like I was in my first trimester, but I’m not huge and cumbersome yet (just big enough to feel like a small whale at times…) So this seemed like the perfect opportunity to take a vacation! Steve’s company sent him to Vegas all last week for a Microsoft SharePoint conference at the Mandalay Bay. I stayed at home looking at Musicals currently in theaters that I could attend with my friends. The conference ended Thursday afternoon, so I used…Read the rest of this entry →
