Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: rain

Best in Snow…DUCKSDAY

Best in Snow…DUCKSDAY

It feels a bit odd to be writing this post in shorts as I look out the window and see my son frolicking around in 75 degree weather.  But I’m all too aware that just because spring has sprung in the South, doesn’t mean everyone is done with winter (and also doesn’t mean that winter won’t come back for one last laugh before spring is here to stay!)  I had actually intended to write this post back in January, but held off because we had a snowtubing adventure planned for February, and I had hoped to get some great action…Read the rest of this entry →


Best Kid’s Rain Boots: MyMayu! (and GIVEAWAY!)

Best Kid’s Rain Boots: MyMayu! (and GIVEAWAY!)

Those of you that have been reading for a while may recall a picture I posted during our big snowstorm (yes, singular) this past winter.  The picture was of my then 11 month old daughter, and she was wearing her brother’s gloves on her feet, for lack of winter boots.  A couple of weeks later, she scored an awesome pair of Muddy Munchkin Toddler Play boots of her very own from MyMayu! Unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to use them in the snow this season, but we’ve had a hefty PLENTY of wet weather testing opportunities, in both cold and…Read the rest of this entry →


Strategies for Rainy Day Climbing (with a Toddler!)

Strategies for Rainy Day Climbing (with a Toddler!)

In just a few short weeks it’ll be springtime again.  I can picture it now – buds will begin to sprout up in the garden, the birds start singling a little louder, and the days start getting a little longer.  Oh yeah and it rains.  All the time.  Actually that’s not true.  It doesn’t rain ALL the time.  The typical m.o. in the Southeast is for the skies to be bright and sunny all week, with clouds moving in on Friday afternoon, just in time to thoroughly soak your newest objective at the local crag.  But before you’re tempted to cancel that…Read the rest of this entry →


A Peachy KEEN Start to Fall with Toddler Hiking Boots

A Peachy KEEN Start to Fall with Toddler Hiking Boots

When I first showed Cragbaby the brand new box of Keen Alamosa WP Hiking Boots that had arrived on our doorstep together with my twisted X boots and shoes, the first thing he said was, “Peachy Keen.”  Really, he did.  But it probably had more to do with his current infatuation with the “Veggie Tales” theme song than his knowledge of 1950’s slang.  He tore open the box and enthusiastically jumped into my lap so I could help him put on his shoes.  While I crammed his wiggly little toddler feet into them, I told them that these were his…Read the rest of this entry →


Cold, Sleet, Snow, and Generosity…but No Bouldering.

Cold, Sleet, Snow, and Generosity…but No Bouldering.

Ah, fall.  Always ushered in for our household by the first Saturday in October, where we head up to the High Country of western North Carolina with the other “pad people” to pretend that we are pebble-wrestlers (aka boulderers).  Even though roped climbing is more of our “thing” (as is evident by anyone seeing hearing me on a mantle topout), we like to get our boulder on occasionally as well, and ALWAYS on this particular Saturday for the Hound Ears Bouldering Competition.  This annual shindig is the first in a series of 3 comps collectively known as the Triple Crown. …Read the rest of this entry →
