Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: recipes

From Farm to Table – Strawberry Season!

From Farm to Table – Strawberry Season!

When it comes to local eating, strawberry season is my favorite time of year (although autumn apples are pretty high on the list as well…)  So much delicious goodness from such a beautiful little berry!  The past few weeks have been a yummy blur of picking, eating, and experimenting in the kitchen.  Some of our results were gobbled up right away, others got tossed into the deep freeze for later.  Below are our favorite ways to take advantage of the strawberry season. Strawberry Chia Freezer Jam This is seriously the bomb, ya’ll!  And the best part about it is that we’ll be…Read the rest of this entry →


DIY Nut Butters

DIY Nut Butters

If you are a frequent reader of this blog, it probably means your one of those outdoorsy types.  And if you’re one of those outdoorsy types, you’ve probably consumed more than your fair share of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches over the years.  Or maybe by now you prefer a more “grown-up” substitute, like almond or cashew butter.  Or perhaps you go for one of the seemingly contradictory “nut-free” options, like sunflower seed butter.  But whether you reach for something fancy and exotic, or just plain ole PB, this post is for you! One of the things I was most…Read the rest of this entry →


Creative Ideas for that Leftover Halloween Candy Stash…

Creative Ideas for that Leftover Halloween Candy Stash…

  Raise your hand if your house still has Halloween candy left.  Don’t lie about it, we can’t be the only ones.  And yes, that secret stash in the top of your pantry that your kids don’t know about DOES count. And playing that warrior game with your kids about their candy doesn’t make it any better.  If you’re like our family, your kids probably got way too much candy and you’re not quite sure how to, ahem, dispose of it in a manner that is satisfactory to everyone in the household.  I mean, you could always just throw it away I…Read the rest of this entry →


Lactation Cookies – Got Milk?

Lactation Cookies – Got Milk?

I know this might not apply to a lot of my readers, but I’ve had enough good feedback and requests for this lactation cookie recipe that it seemed worth sharing on here.  What, pray tell, IS a lactation cookie, you might ask?  It’s nothing more than a cookie filled with various “galactagogues” (substances known to promote healthy breastfeeding.)  But don’t worry guys, you can feel free to indulge also – I promise you won’t spontaneously start lactating, and you’ll probably think they’re yummy 😉 They are EASY to make!  There’s about a million variations of this recipe floating around the…Read the rest of this entry →


Campsite Cooking (For Those Who Hate to Cook…)

Campsite Cooking (For Those Who Hate to Cook…)

Our family climbs a lot.  And when we climb, we usually camp.  And also eat…a LOT.   In fact, one of my favorite parts of a climbing weekend is sitting around a fire at the end of the day with my family and friends – bellies full of food and hearts full of laughter as we retell highlights from the day’s antics.  But this post is not about hallmark-card sentiments, it’s about food!  So let’s get to the meat and potatoes of the matter…(sorry I couldn’t resist ;)) First of all, let me preface by saying that by no means…Read the rest of this entry →
