Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: healthy eating

From Farm to Table – Strawberry Season!

From Farm to Table – Strawberry Season!

When it comes to local eating, strawberry season is my favorite time of year (although autumn apples are pretty high on the list as well…)  So much delicious goodness from such a beautiful little berry!  The past few weeks have been a yummy blur of picking, eating, and experimenting in the kitchen.  Some of our results were gobbled up right away, others got tossed into the deep freeze for later.  Below are our favorite ways to take advantage of the strawberry season. Strawberry Chia Freezer Jam This is seriously the bomb, ya’ll!  And the best part about it is that we’ll be…Read the rest of this entry →


5 Ways to Have Fun With Strawberries This Season!

5 Ways to Have Fun With Strawberries This Season!

Strawberry season is without a doubt one of my favorite times of the year.  A bucket overflowing with plump, juicy red strawberries held triumphantly by a toddler with red-stained hands and face is a joyful image indeed!  And now that the season is upon us, I thought it would be fitting to share a few of our family’s favorite strawberry-related activities… PICK YOUR OWN:  Growing up I can remember every year driving to the local farm with my mom, often several nights per week, all throughout the month of May.  We’d pick 4, eat 2, then drop the rest in…Read the rest of this entry →


Good Eats for Toddlers at the Crag

Good Eats for Toddlers at the Crag

As my sweet little bundle of joy has moved from the realm of cragBABY to crag-KIDDO, we’ve outgrown many of the logistical issues we used to run into, and replaced them with others…that’s why I’ve been going back and revisiting my Creating a Cragbaby series posts from a couple of years ago and revamping them, toddler style!  So if your tyke is just starting to venture into the world of solid foods, you might find the younger version of this post to be more helpful.  But for those of you with active, chaotic toddlers with full sets of chompers, read…Read the rest of this entry →




  My kid will eat his body weight in fruit, but there are very few vegetables that he will tolerate, so those pouches of pureed fruit/veggie mixes (known as “squeezies” at our house) are a staple for C.  What I like about them is that they are a fast, mess-free way to get some good nutrition into a wiggly body that’s constantly on the go.  What I dislike about them is that they are really expensive and generate a lot of trash.  It was especially frustrating back in C’s younger days when I was making batches upon batches of fresh, homemade baby food – it seemed…Read the rest of this entry →


8 Tips for a Happy AND Healthy Halloween (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!)

8 Tips for a Happy AND Healthy Halloween (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!)

Halloween is certainly a unique time of year.  When else can you get away with burying a plastic spider in the doughnut box at work, or walk around the neighborhood dressed like your Freudian fantasy of choice?  For many, Halloween represents a time of carefree fun and indulgence…but if you’re not careful, all those treats can add up to a few nasty tricks.  In the short-term, these tricks can manifest themselves on the scale or at the Dr-Averbuch dentist, which may or may not be that detrimental, depending on the person.  However, in the long-term, how your family handles Halloween…Read the rest of this entry →
