Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: eating outside

Greener Packaging Options for Food Storage (and GIVEAWAY!)

Greener Packaging Options for Food Storage (and GIVEAWAY!)

Back in mid-August, I wrote a post entitled “8 Tips for Greener, Healthier School Lunches,” with the hopes that it would provide families with a few fresh ideas for maximizing nutrition and minimizing empty calories during the school day.  Most of the ideas also happened to be more eco-friendly as well – but why stop at just the foods you eat when it comes to having a greener lifestyle?  The way those foods are stored can be just as important to the environment (as well as for your health!)  So here’s a few tips for “greening up” your food when…Read the rest of this entry →


Good Eats for Toddlers at the Crag

Good Eats for Toddlers at the Crag

As my sweet little bundle of joy has moved from the realm of cragBABY to crag-KIDDO, we’ve outgrown many of the logistical issues we used to run into, and replaced them with others…that’s why I’ve been going back and revisiting my Creating a Cragbaby series posts from a couple of years ago and revamping them, toddler style!  So if your tyke is just starting to venture into the world of solid foods, you might find the younger version of this post to be more helpful.  But for those of you with active, chaotic toddlers with full sets of chompers, read…Read the rest of this entry →


Because a Cragbaby’s Gotta Eat…

Because a Cragbaby’s Gotta Eat…

For the first 6 months of his life Cragbaby was on a breastmilk only diet. Food at the crag was easy – as long as he was with Mommy he wouldn’t go hungry!  Even when it came time to introduce solids we were still relying on breastmilk for the bulk of his nutrition, so it wasn’t until around the 9 or 10 month mark that we had to start planning out C’s crag menu along with our own.  Now that Cragbaby is a big boy, we’ve had to devise our own plan for making sure our picky toddler is putting…Read the rest of this entry →
