Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: candy

Post-Halloween Tips from the Archives

Post-Halloween Tips from the Archives

Back in the days when I actually had time to write (ie one child, who was in preschool a couple mornings a week), I loved writing seasonally appropriate posts for every holiday, Halloween included.  Now that I’ve got a toddler running me ragged a lot less time, those sort of posts have gone on the backburner.  Back when Baby Zu was a newborn, I threw all the blogging “rules” out the window in the hopes of keeping my sanity (it helped?!?)  While writing soothes my soul, not putting pressure on myself to do it means a lot less stress – and…Read the rest of this entry →


Creative Ideas for that Leftover Halloween Candy Stash…

Creative Ideas for that Leftover Halloween Candy Stash…

  Raise your hand if your house still has Halloween candy left.  Don’t lie about it, we can’t be the only ones.  And yes, that secret stash in the top of your pantry that your kids don’t know about DOES count. And playing that warrior game with your kids about their candy doesn’t make it any better.  If you’re like our family, your kids probably got way too much candy and you’re not quite sure how to, ahem, dispose of it in a manner that is satisfactory to everyone in the household.  I mean, you could always just throw it away I…Read the rest of this entry →
