Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Moms: Endurance Athletes, Superheroes, and More (plus a GIVEAWAY from CLIF!)

What does it mean to be a mom?  Obviously that’s a question that runs deeper that one little blog entry.  But considering that this coming weekend is Mother’s Day, I thought it would be fun to post up a few light-hearted job titles acquired by moms everywhere.  (Let this also serve as a reminder for the forgetful folks out there to make “Call your Mommy” number 1 on your to do list for Sunday…)  As you read, be thinking of something to add to the list for a chance to win a chocolate-themed prize pack from my good friends at CLIF!

Here's me with MY Mommy (who is now known as Ga Ga), circa 1982.

 SUPERHERO – Moms have special healing powers in their kisses to make even the baddest of boo boos feel better. 

SHORT ORDER COOK – All moms have their specialties.  I was reminded of this just recently with a creamy mac n cheese dinner at my own mom’s house the other day.

SCIENTISTS – Moms are really good at answering important questions about how stuff works.  Things like “Where does the sun go at night?”, “Why do flowers smell pretty?”, and of course the dreaded, “Where do babies come from?”

THERAPIST – What middle-school girl hasn’t gotten the following sage advice from their all-knowing mom who doesn’t need a degree in psychology to say – “Those boys tease you because they like you.” 

POLICE OFFICERS – Moms are there “to protect and to serve.”  They also aren’t afraid to regulate when appropriate.

CHAUFFEUR – I shudder at the thought of how many miles my mom logged in the car driving me to and from volleyball tournaments, softball practice, baksetball games, and youth group during my teenage years. 

This little guy is what makes all the hard work worth it!

While it’s true that moms wear many different titles throughout their years (obviously my job description to my 2 year old will be different in 20 years), the most accurate, all-inclusive title that I could come up with with was that of ENDURANCE ATHLETE, defined as someone that particpates in activities involving physical exertion and mental stamina for long periods of time.  When most people think of endurance athletes, they probably picture distance runners, triathletes, or maybe even mountaineers.  Though I’m sure the above definition was written with the world of sports in mind, it sure does sound like a mom to me…Why?

Moms work hard. Whether they work from home, at home, or on a job site, their work is never finished, unlike most endurance athletes who train towards a peak season before taking time off. Being pregnant? It’s hard. Giving birth? It hurts. And that’s just the beginning. Moms routinely put up with physical hardship and mental stresses on a daily basis without batting an eye. In the early years, nighttime nursing marathons, regular battles with chubby legs and carseat straps, balancing 8 bags of groceries with a toddler on your hip, snuggling cheek to cheek with a fever-ridden child that wants to kiss your face with his barf breath – that’s all par for the course, as is getting kicked in the face when you try to lay down and your toddler confuses down time with wrestle-mania time… Then gradually comes the day when you realize that despite all of your efforts to slow the clock, your baby is now a little boy, then a big boy, then heaven forbid a teenager, and eventually a full-grown man that will be a Daddy himself someday!

The bottom line is that moms are in it for the long haul.  We may not be perfect, but we try our best.  And we love like something fierce.   So in honor of Mother’s Day, here’s your chance to not only pay tribute to YOUR mom, but also enter to win a special Mother’s Day Goody Box from CLIF!  All you have to do is post a comment – highlighting one of the many job titles that YOUR mom acquired throughout your childhood and beyond!  The contest will run through 7 pm on Sunday night, where a winner will randomly be chosen.  Best of luck and happy Mother’s Day!!!



14 Responses to “Moms: Endurance Athletes, Superheroes, and More (plus a GIVEAWAY from CLIF!)”

  1. How about beautician, body guard…night watchman? Thanks for the great article and happy mothers day 🙂


  2. I loved this post and I love YOU!
    Here’s my entry-
    Appointment Secretary- Mom’s not only have to keep track of their own schedules and obligations but also those of every one of the kids AND the hubster! And just think of it- my Mom had to do this LONG before there were iPhones and other software programs providing reminders! 🙂


  3. Joy

    how to even start? my mom is truly the most unselfish person that i have ever known, becoming a mom myself made me realize just how giving my own mother was for so many years. now, she is a ‘nana’ to my wonderful little boy and she continues to amaze me with her kindness and patience.


  4. liz

    Inspiration. After 3 major surgeries to her brain and vertebrae, my 72 year old Mom now walks 5 miles a day, works out with a personal trainer, does Tai Chi, volunteers at Caring House and Duke Cancer Center, enrolls in 4 classes every semester and takes loving care of my kids at every opportunity. I love and am awed by you, Mom!


  5. Great post! I would say my mother has gone far beyond “Short Order Cook” and should easily be promoted to “Star Personal Chef!” That woman gives Paula Dean a run for her money when it comes to amazing comfort food! Love her! She’s also an Interior Designer, a Personal Shopping Coach and could probably pick up a Nursing Degree without any classes. I always call her first when something isn’t quite right health-wise. 🙂 Thanks, Erica!


  6. Angel

    Historian – my mom passed away in 2007 after a six year battle with breast cancer. I miss her in so many ways, but one that I never thought about until she was gone is how much of my life story was kept inside her. She knew all of my milestones, cataloged all of my illnesses and injuries, brought focus to my fuzzy recollections from childhood, and told antecdotes revealing distinct personality traits that were clearly there from the beginning. There have been so many times since her death that I’ve wanted to ask her about something from my past; sometimes trivial things, sometimes questions of significance. I still have my dad, and very close relationships with my siblings, but there are memories that only a mother can hold onto for you.


  7. Linda

    Love this post…and I love the pictures! How about adding this one Doctor? Many Moms also have to step in when the doctors just don’t seem to be correctly diagnosing a condition, or the treatments aren’t working, and especially when they are dealing with allergies. And add this too….project coordinator. I can’t think of how many times I’ve had to come up with ways to “make” the project for my sons…like the time we had to make a vegetable look like an animal, or take a shoe box and not only decorate it like a “state” make it into a rolling object that could be pulled in a “parade of the states”. Thank goodness for a well stocked variety of stuff in my craft closet!


  8. Endurance Athlete is right!

    As for a title things like “personal assistant” and “sidekick” come to mind… but they don’t sound nearly glamorous enough. What I really mean is she was the glue that held everything together! She was the in-between of all the really name-able stuff that kept our house running – and she never got due recognition for it (at least now that I recognize it looking back and know how valuable that really is!)

    Thanks MOM!


  9. oh my gosh. C looks just like you in your baby pic! Awesome 🙂

    One of the many jobs…. Referee. Between my 2 younger sisters and I, my mom had her hands full. I wonder how she did it, lol. And now my kids are 4 and 6 and constantly fighting w/ eachother. It’s a battle to keep the peace some days. I suppose this is karma…


  10. I think my Mom’s title would be” Cheerleader!” for her always pushing and cheering me on to do whatever I set my mind to. Whether it be in school, sports, or life in general. She always finds the positive in a negative situation. She is AMAZING!!!!


  11. Millie

    Guardian Angel. She’d guide me, support me even if she didn’t agree with my decisions (still does to this day), help me heal — whether it be physical injuries or my broken hearts, give me advice, cheer me on, and has always been there in good times and bad. I know I can always count on her, and no matter what, she’ll never abandon me — and the exact same goes for my two younger siblings. I can only hope that when I eventually become a mom myself, I will be at least half the mom she’s been to us. And I know that she’ll always be there as the best grandmother my children will ever have 🙂


    • Millie

      Unconditional Love. That’s the phrase I was looking for.

  12. Travel Agent/Event Planner- My mom always makes all the travel plans when our family travels, whether is just the 3 of us when I was a kid to a full-on 70th birthday cruise for my dad with 150 people. She also regularly plans parties for milestone birthdays (such as my grandma’s 100th birthday) and family weddings that are multi-day events. Everything always runs smoothly and everyone has a great time thanks to all the time and effort she puts into planning these events. You’re guaranteed never to be bored on a trip with my mother!


  13. My mom was a ballet chauffer, softball coach, school work helper and the ultimate cheerleader. Now, she is the most wonderful GrandMother to my boys. She wipes tears, makes cookies at the exact right moment and makes me feel so special when she asks them, “Do you know you have the best mother?” Wonderful Mother!!!


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN