Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Daily Archives: February 5, 2014

SNOWMAGEDDON (and Ducksday Giveaway!)

SNOWMAGEDDON (and Ducksday Giveaway!)

It’s always a spectacle to the rest of the country when the Southeast gets some winter precipitation, but last week was about the most ridiculous I’d seen in a long time.  Our forecasts started calling for the white stuff around lunchtime, with expected accumulations of 3-4 inches in our area.  At noon the sun was shining and not a cloud was in the sky…then the weather app on my phone shifted to snow at 4:00…then 5:00.  Finally around 6 a fine mist started swirling around outside.  I’m not sure you could even call it snow, as it was more like…Read the rest of this entry →
