Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: motivation

Backyard Workout Challenge

Backyard Workout Challenge

Recently I found myself stuck in a rut when it came to my mid-week cardio routine. (On the weekends, hubby and I can tag team with kid-duty, but during the week I’m usually left to my own devices.)  My available exercise window during the week is pretty darn small.  The most efficient way to squeeze in some exercise is to hop on the elliptical…but that gets pretty old.  So lately I’ve been putting myself through my own cross-training “boot camp” type workout in the backyard.  It’s a lot more fun than being cooped up inside, and it’s a great way…Read the rest of this entry →


New Blog Series: #KidCrushers (with Prizes from ClifKid!)

New Blog Series: #KidCrushers (with Prizes from ClifKid!)

As the weather warms up, it seems like a lot of climbing moms and dads are starting to get their kiddos out on the rock more and more.  And more time on the rock means more quality family time and adventure milestones.  Whether it’s first leads, first multi-pitches, or just a first time tying in, there’s been a lot to celebrate recently.  And I’m sure that this “kid-crusher” phenomenon isn’t limited to my own network of friends and acquaintances.  So since the whole premise behind the Cragmama blog is about encouraging “adventures big and small,” I’d like to start recognizing…Read the rest of this entry →


A Surprising Revelation About Running

A Surprising Revelation About Running

Now that cooler temps are here, I’ve come to a realization that perhaps I enjoy running more than I initially thought.  I’ve said before on this blog that I’ve never considered myself a “runner.”  I did a half-marathon once, a long time ago, but it wasn’t pretty – I was consistently running 15 miles or so per WEEK and found out about the local race two weeks prior.  Obviously, I was very ill-prepared and while I did in fact make it across the finish line, I was so sore I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards.  Not the smartest of…Read the rest of this entry →


Running for Rock Climbers Series #2: Finding the Motivation

Running for Rock Climbers Series #2: Finding the Motivation

Part 1 of this series focused on the climber-specific benefits that can be attained by adding some weekly running into your fitness regimen.  Todays post will focus on finding motivation to do it – whether you’re new to running and wondering how to get started, an established runner who needs a pick-me-up, or a New Year’s Resolution drop-out looking to get back on the wagon.  It’s amazing how much you can accomplish with just a little dose of motivation!  Here’s a few ideas… 1.  SMARTPHONE APPS- The MapMyFitness App for my iPhone is awesome.  It records my distance, so I can run…Read the rest of this entry →


Running For Rock Climbers Series #1: Why It’s a Good Idea

Running For Rock Climbers Series #1: Why It’s a Good Idea

Just like not everyone who climbs is a “climber,” not every one who runs is a “runner,” and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m the  former, not the latter!  And while most people probably can guess that rock climbing is great exercise, it’s not all-inclusive, so for me running has always played a smaller but very  consistent role in filling in the “gaps” in my fitness regimen.  I run 3 or 4 days a week outside, year round, generally not on the same days that I climb.  I do not run far, nor do I run particularly fast – usually around 3.5 miles…Read the rest of this entry →
