Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: preggo-points

MLK Climbing Weekend! (33 Weeks Pregnant)

MLK Climbing Weekend! (33 Weeks Pregnant)

Tradition states that every year we MUST go climbing on the Crag-Daddy’s birthday with as many people as we can round up, followed by a big party at our house afterwards.  Usually the wide range of abilities represented and the sheer amount of people means we wind up at the Dixon School Rd boulderfield.  It offers decent winter conditions, and is just down the road for all the local folk.  We usually also end up with a few out-of-towners that crash at our house for the night.  Steve’s birthday is not actually until the 23rd, but the past couple of…Read the rest of this entry →
