Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: sponsorship

TRANGO Grassroots Athlete Team 2012

TRANGO Grassroots Athlete Team 2012

I’ve known for a week now and it’s been all I can do to contain my excitement, but now that it’s official I can shout it from the roof tops! Somehow I ended up being chosen as one of the 6 members of Trango’s very first team of sponsored athletes!  If I’m being completely honest I’d have to say I’m rather dumbfounded as to why they would choose me, especially when I compare myself to the rest of the team (2 of whom I know personally and have seen firsthand how awesome they are…).  But regardless, I’m gonna run with it and…Read the rest of this entry →


Exciting News for 2012!

Exciting News for 2012!

2012 is shaping up to be an exciting year already, as there have been a few recent developments underway recently that I’m excited to share with everyone.  First off, I just recently had an original article published in Wild Sister Magazine, an online (and soon to be offered in print) magazine that has been up and running for about 7 months. Taken from their “About” page, “Wild Sister is an online empowerment magazine for women who want inspiration, and who believe that by empowering women we can change the world…Wild Sister Magazine liberates souls by delivering authentic inspiration, and sharing stories…Read the rest of this entry →
