Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: third trimester

Third Trimester Update: (Weeks 33-38!)

Third Trimester Update: (Weeks 33-38!)

Woo-hoo, any day now!  The nursery is (mostly) ready, there’s a few meals in the freezer, and I am certainly tired of being pregnant…so baby Z, the ball’s in your court now!  Here’s the skinny (that’s a joke since I am definitely large as a barge at this point ;)) on how exercise has been going lately…(previous updates found here, here, here, and here.) Week 33:  This has been a surprisingly strong week.  I cranked out a hard route at the gym after just a couple of tries and beta refinement.  Then on Monday we spent a day craggin’ at…Read the rest of this entry →
