Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Bearded Brothers Bars are Bangin’! (and GIVEAWAY!)

How’s that for alliteration?!?  And it’s the truth too!  Recently bearded brother Caleb offered to send me a few bars to try out for free in exchange for an honest review.  I (inaccurately) assumed they would be more or less like any other energy bar I’ve tried, but would come with a heftier price tag being that they are handmade and 100% organic.  (How’s that for honesty…)  But as you may have guessed from the title of this post, these bars are anything but ordinary!  

They’ve assured me that a beard is not a side effect of their products…:)

Here’s some background on the “Beardies”:
Bearded Brothers is an organic snack food company out of Texas, run by (bearded) brothers-in-law Caleb and Chris.  Caleb is a rock climber, cyclist, and runner and saw a need for tasty, healthy foods to fuel his adventures.  Chris is also an avid outdoorsman, and has a background in the health food/supplement industry with special attention given to andrographis.  Both will be expanding their families with bundles of joy in the coming months!  (Congrats, guys!)

Here’s the verdict from Cragmama:
 We received 4 distinctive flavors: Bodacious Blueberry Vanilla, Colossal Coconut Mango, Mighty Maca Chocolate, and Fabulous Ginger Peach.  The first thing I noticed was that the packaging was resealable – PERFECT for times when I just need a couple of quick bites before hiking into the crag, or when my toddler SAYS that he’s hungry, but puts it down after one bite…The bars aren’t big, but they are quite dense; pick one up and it’s not hard to see how almost 300 calories can squeeze into one little bar (but those calories are a much more efficient option than the 300 (+) calories in your fancy coffee from Starbuck’s this morning!)

Mmmmm, Coconut Mango!

The Coconut Mango bar walked away with all the votes for “best bar.”  The mango provided just the right amount of sweetness, and the coconut was fabulous for flavor as well as texture.  Take a bite, close your eyes, and it’s easy to imagine yourself in a chair on the sand with an umbrella drink in the other hand…open your eyes again and your back to reality, with a burst of energy for sending your latest climbing project.  Blueberry Vanilla was a close second, with a flavor combo that would be perfect for an on-the-go breakfast on the way out the door for your morning bike ride.  The Chocolate one was a pleasant surprise – none of that fake sweetness like a lot of other bars from competing companies that don’t want to add sugar but want their bars to taste like Snickers.  (If you want a Snickers bar, grab a Snickers!)  But if you want a cocoa-flavored bar with just a hint of sweet, grab the Mighty Maca.  

Last (but unfortunately least in my book) was the Ginger Peach one.  I really wanted to like this one, as the health benefits of ginger are widely documented.  However as soon as I took a bite out of it, I was overwhelmed with the same spicy-hot, tongue-burning sensation I get when I unknowingly pop a stick of “red” gum into my mouth.  It’s not the beardies, it’s me!  I just don’t like ginger (or too much cinnamon, cloves, etc.)  But if the idea of fresh pressed ginger, dried peaches, dates, and nuts works your taste buds into overdrive, I can guarantee you’ll find it fabulous!

These bars aren’t cheap, but they’re all made by hand, and are chock full of wholesome goodness – no processed “filler” ingredients here!  If you’re looking for a snack that’s tasty, good-for-you, and easy to throw in a pack, then Bearded Brothers bars are a fantastic option!

Here’s how you can get your own Bearded Brothers Bars:  
You can purchase  Bearded Brothers bars at any of these locations, or you can order directly from their website.  OR…you can tell me what your favorite “adventure fueling snack” is in the comment field below, and you’ll automatically be entered in a giveaway sponsored by the Bearded Brothers themselves!  A winner will randomly be chosen on Thursday, December 13 to receive a 4 pack of bars (and also a sticker and a button!)  Best of luck and happy adventuring! (and fueling, since we all tend to do a little more of that than we should this time of year…)


23 Responses to “Bearded Brothers Bars are Bangin’! (and GIVEAWAY!)”

  1. These bars sound great – I usually steer clear of bars and packaged foods as I try to eat the most minimal amount of packaged food as possible! That being said, my favorite ‘crag snack’ would have to be either carrots + chunky (yes! has to be chunky!) peanut butter or a mix of raw almonds + dried cranberries + wasabi peas (the nut, spicy and sweet is super tasty).


  2. Paul O

    In complete honesty, I’m usually a beef jerky and custom trail mix kind of guy. It’s a safe standby, but not fancy.


  3. I’m not generally a packaged snack kind of gal either but these new bars look pretty great AND who can deny that their logo is FABULOUS?


  4. I usually rotate through Cliff bars, lara bars, mojo bars, etc. but I’m always looking for something lower in sugar. These sound awesome.


  5. I would love to try these! Right now my go-to bar is the Lara bar but I’d like something with more calories


    • Tim Tamblin

      You might like to try Probars (Organic). Amazon has them and if you go with Autoship, they run about $2.25 ea. They have about 360 calories ea if memory serves me well and they are absolutely delicious…

  6. Trail mix is our trusty stand-by! πŸ™‚ Usually homemade….


  7. Crystal S

    I love MariGold bars but I bet Bearded Brothers are tasty as well!!


  8. Katie

    Trail Mix! Preferably one with a health dose on M&Ms in it.


    • Erica

      Joy – We have opposite tastes in PB..creamy only in our house! πŸ™‚

      Paul O – It may not be fancy, but it works!

      Kathy – Agreed, I love the logo and the name!

      Aimee – Lara bars are hit or miss in our house. Some flavors we LOVE, and others we can’t stand lol. Cashew cookie is everyone’s fave around here…

      Sarah – Yup, these are all around the 300 calorie range.

      Amelia – Homemade trail mix is the best – and fun to make too!

      Crystal S – I had never heard of MariGold bars so I had to look them up…intriguing! Are they yummy?

      Katie – Yes, double up on M n M’s please. πŸ™‚

  9. My body isn’t a fan of soy protein or super processed stuff, so i tend to stick to probars–and they’re local, for me, which is a perk! But these, they sound delicious!


  10. Rosie

    I experiment with making my own energy bars, but I haven’t yet found a perfect recipe. I combine many different ingredients from dried fruits, to honey to ground oats, sometimes soy protein powder. I’m ALWAYS reading the labels on the back of any bar I see at Whole Foods, googling recipes for them, etc. I’m an energy bar freak!!!!!!


  11. Brandy

    Sunbutter + jelly is our staple. Often homemade beef jerky, bananas, and Belvita cookies. Would love to know if any of the bearded bros products are allergen free! (egg, dairy, nuts)


  12. karen

    I nosh on dried cherries and almonds. for long days I make a pb&j in a while wheat tortilla.


  13. Nancy

    Bearded Bros, of course! Discovered their bars about a year ago and now that’s my go-to take along snack.


  14. Mara

    Dark chocolate peanut M&M’s mixed with raw almonds. Easy to snack on during the approach in, survives being smooshed in a pack, and light enough to carry up a few pitches! But the Bearded Bros. bars look delish!


    • Erica

      Ana – I’ve seen Probars, but never tried them. Maybe I should?

      Rosie – A long time ago I experimented with making my own bars also. The results were tasty but I always ended up making way more than I could eat before they’d get moldy…whenever I would shrink the recipe the bars weren’t as tasty, so I gave up after a while!

      Brandy – I would email the Brothers to be sure, but my guess is that all of their bars are dairy and egg free since almost all of their bars are raw, but nuts seem to be their main source of protein.

      Karen – PBJ’s are staples at our house too!

      Nancy – Awesome, glad to find another Beardie fan here!

      Mara – I love that you were so specific with your M n M choice lol. Dark chocolate ones are the best for sure πŸ™‚

  15. Jacinth

    I don’t have a favorite yet – the latest I’ve tried is Keen-wah! I think I’ve sampled most – I would love to try these!!! I’m always prowling at Whole Foods for new bars, they haven’t had any new ones in a long time! I’d love to recommend a new bar to my store!


  16. Left over Flatbread pizza FTW! Yumm, even when partially frozen!


    • Erica

      Jacinth – Do you mean Keen-wah as in the grain, or is there a bar made with quinoa as well? Sounds interesting…:)

      Dave – When is pizza NOT for the win?!? πŸ™‚

  17. Trail mix or gorp.


  18. Rose-Marie

    I like to bring a number of small pouches of high-calorie “gorp” that has a good combo of protein, fat and a good amount of carb. My favorite blend has a lot of dry-roasted peanuts, rawacashews, raw sunflower seeds, unsulfured dried fruits of apple and strawberry, also coconut flakes (sweetened and large flake unsweetened), unsweetened cocoa nibs. It would be better if all this was in a bar form, because it would be easier to keep moving along, having a loose snack is not as easy, you kind of have to stop and munch, which isn’t always a bad thing, but you want to stop when you want to, not cause you have to!!!


  19. chris

    I’m more the custom trail mix and cliff bar kinda Guy but I’m always looking for new energy bars to try.


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN