Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Cragbaby Highlights for 2012

It’s been a big year for C, who went from a curious, craggin’ toddler to a big boy with his own agenda at the crag (which may or may not have anything to do with  climbing…).  So in honor of Highlight Week 2012, here’s a look back at some of C’s favorite moments from this year (from his perspective, of course!)…

5.  Big Boy Climbing Gear – This year I had my very own climbing gear – shoes, chalkbag, harness, and helmet.  Just like Mommy and Daddy!  Even though I don’t always use all of it, having my own gear makes me feel like one of the gang!  


4.  Riding the Waves (Ocean Isle Beach, NC) – This summer I got to go to the beach with lots of people in my family.  I watched the grown-ups ride the big waves in the morning, and then in the afternoon I got a turn to ride the baby waves in my tube.

3.  Devil’s Bathtub Hike (South Dakota) This is when I figured out that hiking is really fun!  I hiked almost the entire way through streams, over logs, and under big tree branches!  At the end of the hike I even got to go swimming!  

2.  My First Real Send – It took me a long time, and Mr. Charlie had to add on an extra foot hold for me, but I was finally able to climb up the part of the boulder in the gym where everyone else climbs down!  I did it just a few weeks before I turned 2, and Daddy even got it on video and put it to music so I could be in my own climbing movie, just like the pros!  (Here’s the video…) DSC00068

1.  Devil’s Tower (Wyoming) – Going to Devil’s Tower was my favorite day of the year!  It’s a gigantic rock that looks like it’s growing out of the ground, and there are lots of prairie dogs running around at the bottom.  Mommy says that one day when I’m big enough to climb it, we’ll all go back and take a picture together from the very top!


So that’s Cragbaby’s year in a nutshell – he’s had quite a fun year!  What are everyone else’s favorite family moments of 2012?



2 Responses to “Cragbaby Highlights for 2012”

  1. What a great year C had! Can’t wait to follow his adventures in 2013!


    • Erica

      Thanks Dave – Cheers to a happy and healthy 2013 🙂

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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN