Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

‘Hey Girl’ Memes for Climbing Mamas…

Unless youv’e been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you’ve probably seen a few Ryan Gosling “Hey Girl” memes.  (And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, click here.)  Well, I had to laugh out loud last week when I was browsing through my RSS feeds and stumbled across a gem of a post from Brendan Leonard over at – “‘Hey Girl’ Memes for Outdoorsy Women.”  It kept a smile on my face the rest of the afternoon, and from the response on Cragmama’s facebook page, you all enjoyed it as well!  Yet while Brendan’s memes were indeed “relatable” (his words), I found myself wanting to go even further for all of the outdoorsy (and more specifically, climbing) MOMS out there…

So here’s my stab at a few ‘Hey Girl’ memes of my own – dedicated to all the fellow cragmamas out there who are squeezing redpoint runs in between homework help and diaper changes.  A girl can dream, right?

California heart throb Chris Lindner starts us off…


And of course you can’t throw a climbing meme party without inviting Chris Sharma, right?


 It took me a while to find a sultry enough photo of Dean Potter, but this one from 2002 seems to fit the bill.


I had the opposite problem with the Huber Brothers photos, however…every image I found was over the top Fabio-esque.


What mama doesn’t love a photo that accentuates her best features? (Jimmy Chin)


And it was only fitting to choose a guy that lived out of his van for several years for this next one (Alex Honnold)…


 While any of these statements would of course be absolutely ludicrous coming from a random person, I must give the Crag-Daddy a shout-out here.  He was the inspiration for this post, since he has volunteered pretty much all of these at some point or another…although definitely not in so many words (I’m pretty sure he’s never once uttered the phrase ‘Hey Girl.’  And if he ever did with any sort of seriousness, I would probably break a rib from laughing so hard.)  But yes, he’s definitely a keeper! 

So ladies, what does YOUR man do that is meme-worthy?  Don’t be afraid to let your crag-fantasies run wild 😉


2 Responses to “‘Hey Girl’ Memes for Climbing Mamas…”

  1. LOVE. Particularly the Chris Sharma one. 😉


  2. Kathy Southern

    Dean Potter gets MY vote! 🙂


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN