Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Most Popular Posts 2015

It’s tradition this time of year to take a stroll down memory lane and revisit the most popular posts of the year.  As a writer it gives me a helpful perspective on what my readers responded to most.  As a reader it gives you guys a chance to catch up on what you may have missed and, if you’re new around here, get a big picture of what this site is all about.  In looking back over the posts, I realized I didn’t write anywhere near the amount of posts as I have in year’s past.  Now that there are two kiddos in the mix, writing time is at a premium.   But my mantra for 2015 ended up being, “Do the best you can with what you’ve got,” and I feel like I did that, so no regrets!    That being said, I hope you’ll enjoy this list of my most popular posts of 2015.



Wyoming Adventure Part 3: Last Days in Ten Sleep – One of four recaps from our adventures out west this summer (the rest of the recaps are found here.)
3 Climbing Milestones in 1 Weekend – Mama’s day out, a (safe) fall, and a hard (for me!) send


Big C’s First Project: Big Emotions, Little Body – This one seemed to resonate with readers because we’ve ALL been there…even if we haven’t left the gym whining and crying!
To All the Guy Climbers: A Rant and a Salute – Perhaps this one gets the “most controversial” award for the year…let me reiterate, I love my guy partners, and am thankful I don’t have to deal with this with them!


Winter Footwear for Kids From Stonz – How Stonz helps keep little feet (and hands) warm.
Wee Woollies for Wee Explorers – More gear for warm kiddos, this time in the form of baselayers!


Kindergarten and Bike Commuting – How we roll (literally), when it comes to getting to school on time!



Climbing w/a 5 Month Old: Reader Question from Megan D. – I get a lot of really good questions from readers, so this year I decided to feature some of them on the blog, especially if they were broad enough to apply to others.


This was actually a whole new CATEGORY of posts, and here are the top two (find the others here.)
DIY: Homemade Larabars 
Finding Time to Make Your Own Yogurt


From 1 Kid to 2: How Outdoor Adventures Have Changed – This one was in response to another reader question.
The Stinkbug Saga – On finding the moments that “matter” during the day.


You’re a Good Mom – Passing on words of encouragement that had previously been passed to me.
The Perfect Hand-Me-Down: 3 Kids and 1 Down Suit – The gift that keeps on giving!


Exciting Announcement: The Guidebook is FINALLY Ready – So this was the ONLY post in this category for 2015…but I’m still psyched about it!

And s-t-r-e-t-c-h...

And s-t-r-e-t-c-h…


How to Make Reachy Moves – I sometimes find myself referring back to this one to take my own advice…
Rock Climbers Training Manual: Performance Phase (aka Results) – The final report card after spending a spring training under the Rock Prodigy Method.

While I do wish I could log more time at my computer, I certainly wouldn’t trade time with my family for it! So you can continue to expect a steady (but sometimes trickling!) amount of posts for the first part of 2016.  Once the fall comes around and Baby Zu starts preschool a couple days a week, that amount might increase a bit.  But until then, let me know if there any particular topics you’d like to read about – specific logistical questions, gear, etc.  (And if you need some more holiday reading, feel free to dig around in the archives with the most popular posts from 2014, 2013, 2012, and even 2011!)




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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN