Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Homeschooling

Kid’s Geology Activities that Rock!

Kid’s Geology Activities that Rock!

To me one of the biggest blessings of homeschooling is that our family can do things when it works best for US, and we can slow down/speed up whenever we feel the need.  For example, the curriculum we’ve been using this year for science (106 Days of Creation) had included 2 short and very basic lessons about “rocks” before plunging straight into plants and trees.  As I looked at our calendar, I realized a lot of the projects I wanted to do in the Plants/Trees unit would work better once the leaves had started to change color.  For us, that often doesn’t happen…Read the rest of this entry →


What We Love About Homeschooling

What We Love About Homeschooling

It’s only been 4 months, but already public school seems like a fading memory.  I can’t even express how much of a blessing homeschooling has been for our family so far.  The journey itself has not been perfect, but the fit for our family sure has been!  Gone are the days of morning battles getting out the door, and gone are the constant complaints about having to sit down all day and not being able to play outside.  No longer does the whole family live in fear of emotional meltdowns at the slightest mishap. Instead, our days are filled with freedom, flexibility, fun…and a…Read the rest of this entry →


Our Homeschooling Journey: The First Three Weeks

Our Homeschooling Journey: The First Three Weeks

We’ve only got three weeks under our belt, but so far I have been amazed at what we have ALL learned in such a small period of time.  It’s not perfect – most days feature at least one bout of insanity at some point.  But at the end of the day, we can look back and always find fun, quality family time, and of course, a lot of learning.  In fact, since I’m learning something new and better about this whole process every single day, I hesitated writing this post, for fear that the minute I published it, it’d become “obsolete.”  But my guess…Read the rest of this entry →


Homeschooling: Our Newest Family Adventure

Homeschooling: Our Newest Family Adventure

Just before the holidays I got an email from the PTA at my Kindergartener’s elementary school.  They were looking for parent volunteers to substitute for a whole day in their child’s classroom, giving the teachers a rare chance to plan together all day.  Reading that email turned out to be a providential moment for me – I couldn’t explain why, but I felt very strongly that I needed to volunteer.  The logistics took some work.  The PTA was requesting two parents per class, so I had to convince another mom to help me.  I also had to arrange for my…Read the rest of this entry →


5 Tips for Family Geocaching

5 Tips for Family Geocaching

Recently our family has adopted a new outdoor hobby (because you can NEVER have to many, right?)  While I wish I could say it involved snow, it’s something that can be enjoyed with nothing but a smart phone and some enthusiastic explorers – geocaching!  For those of you that may not be familiar with the term, geocaching is basically a real-life treasure hunting game, played outdoors with the use of GPS.  Lately my oldest explorer has really been into searching (and finding!) type games – everything from traditional hide and seek to random, “easter egg hunt” type activities.  One day…Read the rest of this entry →
