Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: mountain mama

Mountain Mama Review Collage – 3rd Trimester

Mountain Mama Review Collage – 3rd Trimester

At 24 weeks I reviewed my collection of Mountain Mama threads that had so generously been provided to me by Teresa Delfin and her awesome niche company.  As promised, I’ve written an updated version now that I’m in the latter stages of pregnancy.  Also reviewed are some new clothing items that I hadn’t received yet at the time of my 2nd trimester review.   Update from 2nd Trimester Threads:  (For a more thorough description of each piece, check out the 2nd trimester review here) Tenaya V-Neck Eco Tee and Anya Performance Tee – These tees have both grown with me over the past…Read the rest of this entry →


The Mountain Mama by Mad Rock: A Pregnancy Climbing Harness!

The Mountain Mama by Mad Rock: A Pregnancy Climbing Harness!

With my first child I was blessed to have a relatively easy pregnancy, and was delighted that I never had to stop climbing.  My original plan had been to climb until it became uncomfortable and stopped being fun…but that never happened, and my last session ended up being at the gym less than 48 hours before my son was welcomed into the world!  That’s not to say that I was climbing at my pre-pregnancy intensity, or that I didn’t make any changes to my routine.  I listened to my body and took it easy when I needed to, and stopped…Read the rest of this entry →


Mountain Mama Review Collage!

Mountain Mama Review Collage!

Well, now that I’m at 24 weeks and well into maternity wear at this point, it seemed fitting to review the clothing I’ve received from one of the most innovative and outside-the-box thinking companies I’ve had the privilege to work with.  Mountain Mama was born after founder Teresa Delfin realized very quickly during her first pregnancy how inadequate regular maternity clothes are for adventuring mamas-to-be.  While maternity leggings, full-paneled cotton trousers, and knit cotton tees are plentiful across every department store in America, a quick google search for wicking, technical apparel will land you at one website – Mountain Mama.…Read the rest of this entry →


1st Trimester Update – The Secret Weeks

1st Trimester Update – The Secret Weeks

I suppose in some ways, even “planned” babies are still a surprise…We’d been in the “not TRYING but not NOT trying” stage since the spring, so seeing two lines on a pregnancy test shouldn’t have been such a shock.  But I probably stared at those test results in utter disbelief before walking out of the bathroom and putting my harness  on (because of course I’d stopped to pick up a test on my way to the climbing gym…and then of course I couldn’t wait til I got home to take it…)  I won’t lie, my initial reaction involved a lot…Read the rest of this entry →


(Another) Baby on Board!!!!!!

(Another) Baby on Board!!!!!!

Yesterday I posted a picture on facebook that attracted quite a bit of attention.  It was a simple image – a hot dog bun inside of our oven.  But it represented a life change that will be anything but simple… That’s right folks, our crag-family is expanding once more!  I’m currently 11 weeks, and so far things have been going well.  I was blessed to have a happy, healthy, and by comparison to many, EASY pregnancy the first time around, so fingers crossed that number 2 will be as smooth. With C, I thankfully felt well enough to climb all…Read the rest of this entry →
