Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Stone Mountain

Family Climbing: Big C’s First Multi-pitch Adventure

Family Climbing: Big C’s First Multi-pitch Adventure

It was an epic day for our family at Stone Mountain last weekend.  Well, for three of us anyway.  We left Baby Zu with the grands, and whisked Big C off to Stone Mountain for his very first day of multipitch climbing. Up until this point the highest Big C had ever been off the ground was probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 feet.  But on a previous trip to Stone Mountain a few weeks ago, he had astonished all of us at how well he had scrambled up the friction slab, and the CragDaddy and I left wishing we could…Read the rest of this entry →


Big C’s First Slab Climbing Adventure

Big C’s First Slab Climbing Adventure

If you’ve noticed that our family has been fairly quiet both around the blog as well as social media, it’s because there are big changes in the works!  Our family is about to open up a new chapter in our lives, and we’ve been pretty busy getting ready for it. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you the whole story in the next week or so.  And to slow the wheels of the rumor mill a bit, I’ll go ahead and give you a hint that our news has absolutely NOTHING to do with adding any new family members 😉 But with that said, just…Read the rest of this entry →


Exciting Announcement – The Guidebook is Finally Ready!!!

Exciting Announcement – The Guidebook is Finally Ready!!!

Well…almost.  Geez, has this been a labor of love.  BUT, it’s finally at the printer, which means in just a few short weeks I’ll have a book in hand and can officially call myself a published author!  YAY! While I could go on and on about how much harder this process has been than I thought it would be, and how frustrating all the outside-of-my-control delays have been, here’s the details you really need to know… WHAT IT IS… Carolina Rocks: The Piedmont is a comprehensive guide to the 4 major climbing areas in central North Carolina.  It covers Moore’s…Read the rest of this entry →


Guidebook Update – With a Sneak Preview!!!

Guidebook Update – With a Sneak Preview!!!

  After turning in a giant lump of manuscript to Earthbound Publishing at the end of the summer last year, my work on the guidebook has been pretty sporadic the past few months.  Mostly I’ve just tweaking a few revisions here and there and wrapping up some interviews.  However there has still been one large item on my punch list that had remained unchecked for a long time, mostly due to logistics…The North Face.  Not the jacket company (although one of those would have come in handy!), but the North Face of Stone Mountain.  For most climbers, it’s always been…Read the rest of this entry →


Guidebook Update – Stories from the Stone Age

Guidebook Update – Stories from the Stone Age

In between bouts of Familial Invasions, I spent the majority of Christmas Break working on the Stone Mountain section of the guidebook – confirming topos, writing descriptions, researching previous guidebooks, and of course, squeezing in as much climbing as possible.  After a cloudy day at Pilot that never quite warmed up enough, I was relieved to drive into the parking lot at Stone the next day under a beautiful blue, sunny sky.  Publisher Bill and I got to work on photographing routes and double-checking the lay of the land for the topos on the South Face for the first couple…Read the rest of this entry →
