Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Green Hour Connection: A “Yoforic” Mother’s Day

Yoforia here we come!

My favorite Green Hour moment of the week came last Sunday, when my two favorite boys treated me to a lovely afternoon of outdoor fun and frozen treats!  Sunny, breezy, and temps in the mid-70’s – I couldn’t have asked for better Mother’s Day weather!  Cragbaby’s first gift to Mommy was taking a 3.5 hour nap, giving me plenty of time to get my closet organized (for those of you that don’t know, we had just moved into our new house the day before!)  When he finally woke up, we hooked up the bike trailer and headed off to Yoforia – a very unique “make your own” frozen yogurt place. 

Ready for yogurt!

I don’t like riding on main roads with Cragbaby in the Chariot, so we took the scenic way through quiet and fancy neighborhoods.  It took a little longer that way, but it was a much more pleasant ride – and besides we were all enjoying each other’s company so no one was in a hurry anyway!  We saw birds, bunnies, dogs, cats, fields, and ponds.  When we got there we were thrilled to find out that Mom’s ate free on Mother’s Day!  Evidently we weren’t the only ones with the same idea, because the place was packed.


After filling up our bowls with frozen creamy goodness and piling on the toppings, we headed outside to enjoy our treats.  Cragbaby enjoyed pointing and barking at all of the dogs better than the food – which meant more for us!  By the time we got back home, it was dinnertime, but us grown-ups were way too full of junk to think about eating.  So Cragbaby dined alone (with our company of course) and Steve and I enjoyed our pre-Cragbaby ritual of dinner in front of the TV after he went to bed! 

Here have a flower Mommy...see ya later, gotta run!

It may not have been the most extravagant way to spend Mother’s Day, and it certainly wasn’t the most expensive, dramatic, or even well-planned.  But I got to be with my two favorite people in the world, which was exactly how I wanted to spend the day!


3 Responses to “Green Hour Connection: A “Yoforic” Mother’s Day”

  1. coincidentally, these are two of MY favorite oys as well!


  2. A very nice blog post by @Cragmama: A "Yoforic" Mother’s Day!


  3. Sounds like a perfect day! Glad you could take time away from making your new house a “home” and enjoy your day 🙂


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN