Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Climbing

Labor Day at the Obed River

Labor Day at the Obed River

If you read last week’s trip report from Grayson Highlands, you may remember that lately we’ve been struggling with bad weather woes, as well as securing climbing partners.  Climbers sans kiddos can wait until the last minute to make their plans, and just head out the door on a whim to wherever conditions look best…we can’t!  For us, no partners means no climbing, so we’ve got to be proactive and plan ahead.  This time around, we ended up with a good-sized group for 2 out of the 3 days.  The weather forecast wasn’t stellar, but it ended up being a…Read the rest of this entry →


An All-Weather Gift Guide for All-Year Adventures!

An All-Weather Gift Guide for All-Year Adventures!

It might not even be Thanksgiving yet, but I’d be willing to bet that a lot of you have already started your holiday shopping.  You can really never start too early, as many times finding the perfect gift for someone you love can be quite difficult.  My husband’s family tries to make this easier on every one via a “Christmas List.”  Not just for kiddos around here, we all jot down a few items in varying price ranges and share them with each other.  While going rogue and purchasing something NOT on the list is certainly acceptable, the list is…Read the rest of this entry →
