Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: gift-giving

An All-Weather Gift Guide for All-Year Adventures!

An All-Weather Gift Guide for All-Year Adventures!

It might not even be Thanksgiving yet, but I’d be willing to bet that a lot of you have already started your holiday shopping.  You can really never start too early, as many times finding the perfect gift for someone you love can be quite difficult.  My husband’s family tries to make this easier on every one via a “Christmas List.”  Not just for kiddos around here, we all jot down a few items in varying price ranges and share them with each other.  While going rogue and purchasing something NOT on the list is certainly acceptable, the list is…Read the rest of this entry →


Birdseed Wreath: Wintry Decor for your Feathered Friends!

Birdseed Wreath: Wintry Decor for your Feathered Friends!

Just before Christmas I wrote about “5 Homemade Ornament Ideas for Outdoor Trees.”  Most of the ideas also doubled as a holiday treat for the birds and squirrels (or in our case…deer.)  One of the ideas listed was a Birdseed Wreath, and at the time I posted we hadn’t had a chance to make one yet.  Well, eventually we got around to it, and after a lot of trial and error experimenting with various online “recipes,” we ended up with a beautiful wreath that was too awesome not to share!  In fact, it was so simple (once we figured it…Read the rest of this entry →


Lessons from a Toddler on Giving

Lessons from a Toddler on Giving

This week marked my annual attempt at domesticity, the one time of year where I actually break out the Kitchen-aid and pretend I know my way around the kitchen. I usually pick something that is easy to make, difficult to mess up, and of course, super yummy to eat.  This year, however, I had something else to factor in – an enthusiastic “helper,” one that might actually believe me if I told him I taught Betty Crocker everything she knows! My usual holiday repertoire consists of goodies that involve nothing more than compiling ingredients together and throwing them in the…Read the rest of this entry →


An “Experience Gift”…and the Need for Speed

An “Experience Gift”…and the Need for Speed

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been the type of person that values a meaningful experience more than tangible luxuries.  I’d rather have a giant birthday bash with friends than open a ton of presents.  Family vacations rank higher on the to-do list than replacing kitchen countertops.  And gift cards are always more enjoyable to spend on a shopping date with the giver.  That being said, when Cloud 9 Living introduced themselves to me as a company that offered “experiences rather than stuff,” I knew this was my kind of company.   Founded in 2005 in Boulder Colorado,…Read the rest of this entry →
