Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: weehoo

Sentimental Snapsots: The Power of “Do-Overs”

Sentimental Snapsots: The Power of “Do-Overs”

With a 4 month old in the house, one on one fun with my son is at a premium these days.  I always know his (and my) quality time tank is running on fumes when we have a day where everything seems to be falling apart.  You know the kind I mean – when you feel as though you can’t do anything right, and are a complete failure as a parent.  Yep, those days.  You’d think that by the second kid my track record would’ve improved a bit, but now that there are two of them, those out of control days seem to show…Read the rest of this entry →


Gear Review: Yahoo for Weehoo!

Gear Review:  Yahoo for Weehoo!

“Weeeeee-hooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” was the uninhibited chant I repeatedly heard from behind me on the 3 mile section of road between our house and Trader Joe’s.  It was our first excursion on our brand new Weehoo, an innovative new bike trailer design from a small company out of Golden, CO.  Let me back up.  A couple of months ago, Women’s Adventure Magazine asked if our family would be interested in reviewing this product for them.  To be honest, while I thought the idea was super cool, I was a little unsure of how my 4 year old son would react to the…Read the rest of this entry →
