Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Monthly Archives: September 2011

Name that Caption: A Slightly Awkward Picture with a Pumpkin…

Name that Caption: A Slightly Awkward Picture with a Pumpkin…

***A few of you got a sneak peek at this post earlier in the week, when it accidentally went out to my email subscriber list on Monday.  For those of you that read it before I got a chance to “unpublish” it, you’ve had time to think up a great caption all week, so I’m expecting great things! Many thanks to all who participated in the last “Name that Caption.”  Grace Chu was the popular winner, although in my opinion Nicole H was a close second…  So today’s pic has an interesting back story that technically began long before we…Read the rest of this entry →


Interview: Celebrating a Comeback

Interview:  Celebrating a Comeback

Our climbing escapades this past weekend were a little different than most.  We headed north to Pilot Mountain, with the intention of getting on some lesser travelled routes for guidebook research, but most importantly to support a good friend celebrating a physical and mental comeback from injury.  So instead of a typical trip report I decided to post an interview instead. Although today’s interview is not about a fellow Cragmama, keep reading and I promise you won’t be disappointed.  I first met Bennett Harris in January on a day trip excursion to the Asheboro boulderfield in central NC.  Of course…Read the rest of this entry →


Mamavation TV’s Next Guest is…


(***For those of you on my email subscriber list – I apologize for the email mix-up this morning.  A post that was planned for later in the week accidentally got published this morning instead of this one…but its been taken down, so if you already clicked on it you just got a sneak preview of whats coming later on in the week 🙂 )  But here’s the intended post for today… …ME!!!  Who would have thought?!?  A few weeks ago I was contacted by the producer of Mamavation TV, a program/webchat that airs live on Monday nights on Mingle TV…Read the rest of this entry →


To Stick or Not to Stick (Clip)…

To Stick or Not to Stick (Clip)…

What is long, collapsible, assembled from a seemingly random assortment of items from the local Home Depot, and always within arm’s reach of most bolt-clipping sport monkeys?  If you answered stick clip, you’d be mostly correct…add in the word MACK-DADDY and you’d be right on!  For my non-climber readers who think I’m talking about a strange way to interact with zoo animals, here’s a quick primer in Sport Climbing 101… A route is designated as “sport” if the line is protected by bolts every so many feet all the way to the top.  The first climber (leader) ties into the…Read the rest of this entry →


Morning Drizzles in the Highlands: AKA Life in the Clouds

Morning Drizzles in the Highlands: AKA Life in the Clouds

From wallowing in the sunny, upper 90’s of the Obed a mere 3 weeks ago to bundling up with foggy mornings in the 40’s at Grayson Highlands this past weekend, one would think we skipped over autumn altogether and moved straight into early winter.  Though the forecast across the Southeast was looking pretty grim, it appeared as though a lone bright spot was hanging over Grayson Highlands State Park with a mere 20% chance of morning drizzles.  However,we soon learned that a lack of actual rain doesn’t necessarily equal dry conditions.  It seemed as though the higher we drove in…Read the rest of this entry →
