Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Monthly Archives: August 2017

Photos at Hidden Valley with Fixed Line Media

Photos at Hidden Valley with Fixed Line Media

A couple of weeks ago, we were excited that despite it being August, climbing conditions were not unbearable.  THIS weekend, however, we were shocked to find that conditions were down right good.  The mornings were cool, the air was crisp…I can’t believe this is happening in August, but I’m gonna call it – It’s Fall Ya’ll!!!!  Bring on Sendtember and Rocktober!   But first, this weekend.  It was awesome because we had a great crew of people and got to work with Bryan Miller of Fixed Line Media.  Bryan is a rad adventure photographer that does his best work dangling…Read the rest of this entry →


Gear Review: The “mifold” Grab and Go Booster Seat

Gear Review: The “mifold” Grab and Go Booster Seat

A while back I was contacted by mifold, a company whose sole product is a booster seat that is…wait for it…smaller than a Bible!!! I’ll be honest, at first I was skeptical.  But after watching the videos on how it works, I agreed to give it a try. The idea behind it is simple, and more than a little bit genius – regular booster seats are designed to lift the child up, putting them in the same position that an adult would be.  The mifold does the opposite – the child stays where they are, but the seatbelt itself is…Read the rest of this entry →


Great American Eclipse 2017

Great American Eclipse 2017

For months I’d been looking forward to my 37th birthday…not because I’m anxious to be another year older, but because this year my birthday fell on one of the craziest weekends of the year – Solar Eclipse 2017.  My one request was that I wanted the whole family to drive to the path of totality to witness this celestial display together.  Considering that our home town of Charlotte, NC was only about 50 miles outside of the edge of the path, it wasn’t a hard sell.   Rather than fight through the traffic on either side of a day trip, we…Read the rest of this entry →


A Bit of “Pre-Season” Climbing…

A Bit of “Pre-Season” Climbing…

Wow.  It has been TWO months since I last posted here…I think that’s a record!  Our summer has been busy, but mostly with family beach vacations and pool/water park adventures.  Exciting and fun?  Of course!  But fit for a climbing blog – not so much.  Speaking of climbing, fall is quickly approaching, and WE. CANNOT. WAIT.  Those first few fall trips are always like a bird being let out of a cage to see if its wings really work.  We’ve been gym rats all summer – hangboarding, core work, and even an impromptu bouldering comp.  Soon it’ll be time to get…Read the rest of this entry →
