Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Monthly Archives: June 2012

Sentimental Snapshots: A Rainbow of Obstacles (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif)

Sentimental Snapshots:  A Rainbow of Obstacles (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif)

The other day Cragbaby and I enjoyed a beautiful, sunny morning at Belle Johnston Park.  Though technically in Pineville, not Charlotte, it’s only 15 minutes or so from our house, and is well worth the drive for a morning’s worth of playground fun.  What I like about this park is that it seems to have been designed for multi-generational enjoyment, not just the wee folk.  In addition to the many playgrounds, giant sand pit, swing sets, and riding toys situated within the acreage of open green space, there are porch swings and benches scattered about, perfect for outdoor lovers of…Read the rest of this entry →


Toddler Sleep at the Crag: Play Hard, Sleep Hard.

Toddler Sleep at the Crag:  Play Hard, Sleep Hard.

When it comes to the topic of naptimes and 2 year olds, this can either be a period filled with blissful midday breaks, or frustrating afternoon battles (or sometimes a combination of the two…), depending on your child’s personality and sleep needs.  I’ve gotten a lot of questions recently regarding how we handle naps at the crag now that C is a big boy, so I figured this topic would be a good way to kick off my new blog series – Toddlers at the Crag.  This is a twist on my original post entitled “Sleepytime Solutions,” written back when…Read the rest of this entry →


Success Story: A NEW Cragmama at the NEW!

Success Story:  A NEW Cragmama at the NEW!

I love hearing stories about other moms and dads who aren’t afraid to get right back out there on the rock!  That’s why when I heard it through the grapevine (aka Facebook) that my friend (and new mom) Lisa Bistreich-Wolfe had just gotten back from a family trip to the New River Gorge, I had to find out more.  Turns out Lisa, her husband Richard, and 11 week old Baby T had a marvelous weekend – and she was more than happy to give me a play by play worth sharing!   Here’s what Lisa had to say when I…Read the rest of this entry →


Trad is Rad at the North End of Moore’s

Trad is Rad at the North End of Moore’s

Out of all the areas I’m covering in the Piedmont Guidebook, Moore’s has been one of the trickiest for hands on research.  Although I climbed at Moore’s quite often pre-Cragbaby, pregnancy and a baby made for a too-long hiatus.  (Due to the nature of the typical descent options we’ve found other areas to be much more kid-friendly, since a day at Moore’s means a day at the cliff sans Cragbaby).  Thankfully we have two sets of grandparents nearby, but we certainly can’t take advantage of them every weekend (nor do we want to – climbing is a family activity for…Read the rest of this entry →


Adventures in Fatherhood

Adventures in Fatherhood

Not that I ever had a heart of stone before I had kids, but ever since Cragbaby came along I’ve noticed that I turn into a sappy ball of mush at the drop of a hat when it comes to reflective songs, movies, or conversations involving the love between parent and child.  For the first 6 months post-partum I blamed it on wild hormones, but at 26 months I hardly have that excuse anymore.  It may have something to do with that old adage that having a child means that you are forever destined to wear your heart on the…Read the rest of this entry →
