Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Monthly Archives: March 2013

Running for Rock Climbers: Interval Training

Running for Rock Climbers:  Interval Training

I’ve said numerous times that I am a climber, not a runner.  Admittedly, I enjoy that predictable rhythm that comes from pounding the pavement on a crisp, sunny day.  However, running simply gives me something healthy to do for my physical and mental health on days that I’m not climbing.  So while I’m not one of those obligatory anti-runners looking at their watch every other step until they can cross “cardio” off of their daily to-do list, I do occasionally find myself in the doldrums of monotony somewhere around mile 2 (especially on beautiful spring days where I’d rather be climbing!)  What helps me through these trips down Boredom…Read the rest of this entry →


The Best of the Best from Trango (and GIVEAWAY!)

The Best of the Best from Trango (and GIVEAWAY!)

This week marks one year that I’ve been signed on as an athlete for Trango Extraordinary Climbing Gear, and I must say it’s been a delightful ride!  I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to represent Trango and their affiliates (such as Stonewear Designs and Tenaya) at numerous festivals and demos, provide feedback on products still in the testing phase, as well as meet some really great people.  Oh yeah, and I also got loads of free gear along the way too!  And though I’ve enjoyed pretty much all of the gear I’ve received from Trango, a few products in particular have found their way into…Read the rest of this entry →


My Little Man is THREE!!!!!

My Little Man is THREE!!!!!

How in the world did this happen?  One day I’m staying up all night with marathon nursing sessions.  Then when I finally go to sleep I wake up and he’s running into his classroom without so much as an afterthought glance in my direction!  Ok ok maybe it didn’t happen EXACTLY like that, but some days it seems like it!  Fortunately for us, we’ve been blessed to have shared hundreds upon thousands of wonderful memories with our little Cragbaby these past three years, who most CERTAINLY has graduated to Crag-Kiddo status at this point!  I’ve been doing a lot of reflection recently…Read the rest of this entry →


How to be a Great Belayer

How to be a Great Belayer

There’s a whole host of resources available online and in print aimed at how to successfully climb harder, stronger, higher.  However, there’s only a fraction of information available for another crucial, yet often overlooked skill that is vital to every good send: the art of belaying.  Sure, most climbers, even newbies, have a basic knowledge of how the belay system works, and understand how to use a belay device of their choosing.  They can most likely pass a belay test at their local gym and can handle the number one priority for a belayer – keep the climber off the ground.  That’s good. …Read the rest of this entry →




  My kid will eat his body weight in fruit, but there are very few vegetables that he will tolerate, so those pouches of pureed fruit/veggie mixes (known as “squeezies” at our house) are a staple for C.  What I like about them is that they are a fast, mess-free way to get some good nutrition into a wiggly body that’s constantly on the go.  What I dislike about them is that they are really expensive and generate a lot of trash.  It was especially frustrating back in C’s younger days when I was making batches upon batches of fresh, homemade baby food – it seemed…Read the rest of this entry →
